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After an entire school day spent doing homework on a park bench covered in someone else's blood, it was finally 4:00 p.m.
I tried to push down all the guilt and intense shame that was flowing through my body. I guess that's what I get for crying in from another human.

I was currently about a half block away from  home, my jacket zipped all the way up to hide the red-brown stains on my button-up. I was just glad that I had time to get said stains out unnoticed before dad got home. That is, if he didn't check the security camera. But I knew I could be fast. As a Phelps, you get a lot of practice getting blood stains out of clothes.

Soon I was at the door, swinging it open in a second.

"Aggie! Im home!" I shouted, hanging up the coat in the entryway and sliding off my shoes.

I turned the corner to the living room and froze.

Father was there at the table, eyes glued to 'purgatory: explain through lives and legends of the saints'. My stomach had dropped to the floor. He shut his book and trained his eyes up at me.


I wanted to turn and run away. My body was telling me to turn and sprint and never come back. Something about the look in father's eyes told me exactly what was going to happen. Told me that I was fucked.

He stood from the table.

"Do you understand what a zero tolerance policy is?" He said, words full of distain.

Zero tolerance policy? Like the schools one on violenc- wait. No. They wouldn't expel me for one fight. Not with everything our family's done for the church. Would they?

I backed up.

"Yes, sir." I said, trying to steady my voice. Vulnerability was never rewarded with my father.

"So why the hell did I get a call today informing me that my son had beat up a damn stranger on the street and hospitalized him?" He fumed, shoving the table to the side and sending it careening into a cabinet. I backed up further, only stopping when I hit a wall. He had to go to the hospital? I didn't even think I was hitting that hard. God, i was just as bad as dad.

"Do you know how fucking embarrassing that is?! My son expelled for a fight? Do you know who I am? Do you not realize that you are a reflection of me?!" By the end of his sentence his face was inches from mine. I tried with all my might to stay strong. To not shrink back at my fathers yelling. "Now your going to have to enroll in the goddamn public school. As a Phelps."

I could feel the hatred radiating from my father. This was not good. Punishments were always so much worse when he had time to think about them. When did he get that call?

"I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen ag-"

I doubled over as pain shot to my midsection. Dad's knee had made contact with my stomach. I clenched the wall to keep from falling or vomiting.

Another blow was sent to my gut. This time I couldn't stop it. I fell to my knees as stomach bile burned up through my throat, leaving my insides begging for relief. I squeezed my eyes shut and made sure to aim away from fathers shoes. I knew he'd kill me if I got my filth near him.

I opened my eyes and cringed. Foamy blood mixed into the brown liquid on the floor.

I just prayed Agnes wouldn't come home until it was over. Or, better yet, she had already barricaded herself in her room. I didn't want her to see me like this. So fucking weak.

"You're pathetic. Get off damn ground." My father barked. I nodded, but just ended up panting on my knees. I didn't think I could stand if I wanted to. My whole body was on fire. The best I could do was prop myself against the wall and clutch my stomach, careful to avoid the vomit on the hardwood.

Suddenly, the front door swung open.


"Aggie, it's ok," I rasped as loud as I could, my voice harsh and scratchy, "Just go to your room."

I saw worry and shock rush over her face.

"Daddy! stop it!" She cried in a way only someone without any control of there volume or emotions could. Aggie was rushing into the house, toward dad and I.

I watched my father move toward her, hate in his eyes. His far hand in the air, ready to make contact when he got close enough. He hated when she spoke out of turn. No.

It took everything i had to get to her. I knew father wasn't moving fast, I just needed to get her upstairs. Aggie wrapped her arms around my leg as I tried to stand strong. She was sobbing now. I grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her to look at me.

"Agnes. Go to the upstairs bathroom and lock the door. Now. Do not come out no matter how much noise I make. I will come get you when it's over."

She didn't move. Just stared up at me with tear streaked eyes.

"You promised me, Aggie. Go. Now!" I urged, giving her a slight push in the direction of the stairs. With another teary look, she was running to the stairs. I turned around to face father.

I was immediately greeted with a punch to the side of the face. I tumbled to the ground, but was forced back up by the forearm. I winced at the pain, still recovering from the sting in my throat. Dad began forcing me down the hall, still clutching my arm.

Then I heard it. Probably the worst sound you could hear in my household. A low sizzling from the chapel.

Dad was heating the iron.

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