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The walk to Saint Dominic's was dismal to say the least. Straight through the worst area of Nockfell. I can't tell you how many graffitied signs were scratched up to say "Nockfuck" or "Cockfuck" or the simple "Cockhell". Really creative guys.

But the shitty neighborhoods could be ignored. That wasn't the issue with my walk.

He was the issue.

He was always on the corner, every single day, waiting for the bus, I assume.

Most days he was joined by the only person around my age that was at my eye level: a tall brunette junkie with way too many piercings, some short guy with green hair, a different short guy with blue hair parted down the middle and stretched ears, plus that ginger fag who won the district robotics tournament last year with his... boyfriend (Fucking disgusting). Todd Morrington or something? I don't fucking know. Sometimes, a skinny girl with long brown hair and too much makeup accompanies them, but no matter how many people are at the stop, he's always at the front. Laughing. Wearing his blue hair in pigtails and a fucking Halloween mask.

Yeah. The freak walks around in a mask. 24/7.

I hate it. Every time I look at him I just get so... nervous. Or intimated maybe? My stomach just fills with butterflies and I want to vomit and sprint past them rather than risk making eye contact. My palms sweat and I find myself caring way too much about what he thinks of me. Why the fuck do I want him to like me so bad? Maybe I'm the freak.

I cringe as I turn the corner to his bus stop. Everyone is there today except the girl. I picked up my pace, eager to get past him.

I kept my head at an upward angle, speed walking passed the corner. I was already self conscious, as I'm sure all the public school kids had their opinions of us set in stone. They all thought we were entitled. So I keep my face tilted slightly up and out of their eye line.

I hoped Mask didn't think I was entitled.

What the hell, Travis.


I swiveled my head, stoping just passed the group. It was the short kid with the stretched ears and middle part.

"You're that deacon's kid, right?" He said, his grin showing the gap in his teeth. His words dripped with malice.

"Dude, stop." The tall kid growled at the boy.

Stop what? Were they talking about me or something?

"Um.. yeah. I am. Deacon Phelps's son." I said, skeptically.

"I hear he beats you." Ears smirked.

"Phillip, what the fuck?" Tall said, Exasperated, shooting a glare toward Ears.

My stomach dropped. I felt my world crash down around me. How could he know that? Were people talking? Did people know? Fuck. Just... deny. Deny. Deny.

"My dad doesn't fucking beat me. I got in a fight." I lied, my face growing hot. I was getting a lot more self-conscious about my blackeye. I could feel anger boiling in my stomach.

"That's not what I heard. I'm just saying, maybe you rich pricks should stop acting so stuck up if you just go home and get your shit rocked. We can all see you turning up your nose at us."

That's what this is about?

"He was just walking, dumbass." It was Him this time.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I scoffed. I felt my legs carrying me toward Ears.

"Ooooo I'm scared," he scoffed, "What are you gonna do, church boy? Careful. Who knows what pops'll do if you come home with a wrinkle in your shirt."

I felt the anger take ahold of my throat. Before I could think, i just acted. I called him the worst word I could think of. The worst thing you could possibly be.

"Shut the fuck up, faggot. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about."

I felt the silence from the strangers who were just defending me, but I didn't care.

"Ha! Careful how loud you are Phelps. Wouldn't want daddy to hear. 'Might knock your teeth out for that one-"

His words brought pictures to mind. Snapshots of a terrified Aggie, spitting blood onto the kitchen floor, sobbing. Snapshots of the hospital and all the gauze and wire and lies on top of lies. Snapshots of the X-rays of a shattered jaw and 3 shattered adult teeth.

My fist made contact with his face the second the words left his mouth. Then I hit again. And again. And again. Until someone was ripping me off of him throwing me to the ground. Tall stood between Ears and me, who were both panting for different reasons.

"Are you fucking crazy!?" Ears spat from behind. He stayed on the ground, as no one moved to help him up. Blood was pooring from the blue haired boy's mouth and nose. I guess I was hitting for longer than I thought.

I stood up from the ground.

"That'll teach you to talk about my fucking family." I yelled. I didn't realize I was crying until my voice broke.

I felt shame take over my stomach. I looked up at the group. Everyone expect Ears was looking at me with... sympathy.

I would of rather had them all beat me up as revenge.

I turned and made a sharp left, ignoring the group shouting after me. I thought I heard an apology from someone but I didn't care.
I didn't know where I was going but I knew I wasn't staying there. Or going to Saint Dominic's. Or going home.

Today was going to be a long day.

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