1-9 recap

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(A/N: okkkkk, so I owe everyone a huge apology, I had a little bit of a mental illness moment that I don't want to overshare abt, but I didn't have my phone for an extended period of time. As you all probably know, it's difficult to write without being able to type.

Anyways, I think y'all deserve a recap bc I haven't written in *checks invisible watch* 2 months😰. Here you homies go:)

Recap (1-9):

Travis phelps is a devout Christian living with his little sister, Agnes Phelps, and his father, Deacon Kenneth Phelps. Though he likes learning about god and stuff, he hates the all boys school he attends. One of the many reasons is the walk there, where he has to see a guy that makes him really 'nervous', sal fisher.

On one such walk, Travis is stoped by one of the other people who waits with Sal at the bus stop. Philip, Who misinterpreted Travis's anxiety as him being stuck up, accuses Trav of being weak because his home life, a touchy subject. Phillip makes a final comment about Travis's sister, which sets the boy over the edge. Travis beats up Phillip and bolts, skipping the day of school.

When Travis gets home, his dad is furious, revealing that the Catholic school's zero tolerance policy on violence has got him expelled, after Travis broke Phillips nose. In a rage, Kenneth beats his son, even burning his hip with an iron.

After calming down his sister who had to listen to the beating, Travis finds himself at Nockfell public high school, with Sal fisher helping him to his class. Having a flex as his 1st hour class, Sal and him sit and talk. Eventually, Sal asks about Kenneth, suspecting that he is hitting his son. Travis gets defensive initially, but eventually Sal gets through to him and they decide to go on a drive together.

When Travis gets home, he can't stop thinking about sal. While making dinner for his sister, he tells her about the experience. Agnes, Who assumes he is talking about a girl, teases Travis about having a crush. This prompts him to realize that the nervousness he's been feeling has been a crush this whole time, and that it's not the first time he's thought about another guy that way. As a devote Christian under the guise of his father, Travis spirals, becoming so distracted he burns the bread, which will undoubtedly get him in trouble with Kenneth, as he wasn't supposed to be the one cooking dinner as a man.

Ok, that's where we left off :))

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