Authors note

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Howdy, before you start with the story, here are a few things to know so you don't get confused :)

• Kenneth is a deacon and not a pastor, so he and Travis are catholic
• Travis lives with his little sister and father.
• In the beginning, Travis and Sal don't go to the same school.
• this story takes place in the 90s. All the high school aged main characters are sophomores in high school. They are 15-16 years old.
•Travis's sister has a speech impediment
•Phillip takes the same bus as Sal and co but doesn't live at the apartments.

The art is mine, the pics are not.

Also I have dyslexia and nobody's proofreading these, so if I miss a typo DO NOT HESITATE to let me know. It's actually very helpful :)

ty <3

Also, PLEASE COMMENT IF YOU WANT. I love reading ur guy's input, it brings me so much joy.

Happy reading~~

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