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By the time I started my walk to Sal's, it was absolutely pouring.

Well, walk was a stretch. What I was doing was alternating between a dead sprint and speed walk. I needed to put as much distance between me and the church as fast as possible. I didn't want to find out what would happen if dad or a church member caught me. He'd probably have a search party out within the hour.

It felt kind of cliché, a kid half running in the rain while basically sobbing, but in that moment, I didn't care. The sky's water hid relentless tears flowing down my face.

Sal's place was only about a block away now. Luckily for me he had pointed it out on our drive. It was a pretty shitty apartment complex not too far from the NHS (his words, not mine). Un-luckily for me though, I was coming from the complete opposite end of town, so naturally my throat stung from running. I just hoped he'd be there.

I came up on the apartments, spotting a shape of a person making their way up the steps. After seeing the electric blue hair, it didn't take much to identify it as Sal.

"W-wait!" I gasped, lungs burning. The figure turned as I clutched my side to reveal a ceramic mask. It was Sal alright.

"Holy shit, Travis? What are you doing here, it's fucking pouring." Sal's voice rang out from the stoop, arms crossed. I prayed they were like that more for warmth than to show anger.

I wiped slick bangs out of my face, the rain immediately pulling them back into place.

"I- im so sorry." It sounded weaker than I had intended. I probably looked pathetic, standing there with my sweater long soaked through. I hoped I didn't look too scrawny.

"Travis.." he voice was drawn out, like talking to a child. I felt myself tense up.

God what was I doing? He hated me. Why was I even there.

Because I couldn't let him feel like I did any longer.

"Just let me-...I- I shouldn't have said that shit. Ever."

I had trained my eyes down to the slick sidewalk, attempting to hide to tears that were clouding my voice. I wiped them away the best I could with an already drenched sleeve. I had to keep talking. I needed him to understand.

"I just- I've been so confused. And fucking terrified. And I never, ever should have made that you're problem, or taken it out on you. You're not wrong. Or dirty. Or a... or a faggot. And I'm so sorry I made you think you were."

"Travis-" His voice was much closer now, far less obscured by the downpour. My muscles tensed, for a second anticipating a blow.

But Sal wouldn't do that.

With an ugly snivel, i continued.

"I know I fucked things up. I don't expect you to forgive me. I just needed you to know that there's nothing wrong with-"

I barely had time to process the fact that Sal's torn blue converse had entered my field of vision before I felt two hand on my cheeks, then lips on mine.

Suddenly, I didn't care that I was shivering like crazy, or that the person I was kissing was a boy, or that I was in view of any congregant who might be driving by. I was fucking flying. Every thought melting away as my hands found themselves on Sal's waist and my mouth moved in synchronization with his. The butterflies in my stomach were probably visible through my soaked sweater.

And then, it was over.

Sal pulled away, hastily re-covering his mouth with his prosthetic before I could get a look at it.

"You talk too much." He said, a clear smile on his voice as he fiddled with the straps behind his head.

"H-holy shit," I laughed, an astonished smile to match his. I was barely aware that my hands were still resting around his waist. "Holy fucking shit."

My laughing picked up until my body became weak. Losing my composure, I buried my face in his shoulder, laughing almost too hard to breath. Sal had joined me, fingers hooked in my belt loops as he giggled into my ear.

"I-I gotta fuck up more often." I joked, finaly calming down from my border line hysteria. "You're amazing."

Sal giggled in response.

"Travis, if you ever pull that shit again, I will dump you on the spot."

"Noted." I smiled, planting another kiss on the side of his neck this time.

There was no where else in the world I'd rather of been.

Purity- a Salvis story (completed)Where stories live. Discover now