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⚘ ≈1 year later  ⚘

"Boooooosh!" Larry scream-laughed, nailing Todd right in the stomach with a snowball. He was grinning so wide, I thought his smiley piercing might flip over, "Gotcha, Bi-otch!"

Sal and I huddled behind our snow fort. Usually my brother and I always domínate snowball fights, but Ash insisted this time we switch up to be fair. She wasn't pleased, though, when neither Larry or I was on her team. Hopefully her competitive nature could be satisfied by Neil's great arm (baseball hadn't failed him), and the fact that Larry agreed to be on his own team.

"Lar!" Lisa warned from across the way, busy shoveling snow from the apartment's sidewalk, "Por el amor de Dios, watch your language in front of your sister!"

Aggie rolled her eyes, packing a snowball between her mittens.

"I'm fine, mama!" She laughed, finishing her creation and chucking it at Larry, quick to avenge her team mate. She nailed him right in the skull.

"Ooooh!" Larry feigned pain as he fell backwards and clutched his head. "Headshot! Minus twenty points!" He choked out, rolling around in the snow. It's a good thing he insisted on wearing jeans with holes in them, or else he'd be really cold (I think maple's sarcasm's rubbing off on me).

"That's bullshit! We haven't used that rule since me and travis 1st got here!"

Ma's head jerked up from watching her snow shovel.

"Agnes Sarai Phelps-Garcia, I know I did not just hear that come out of your mouth!" She threatened. I was still getting use to the 'Garcia' at the end of my sister and my names, but I was glad we'd decided to take Lisa maiden name after everything.

"Ooooh, Ag's in for it now." Sal giggled from behind our snow fort. He was tasked with making the amo while I threw.

"Right? Ma's gonna tear her a new one." I laughed, sinking back behind the chunk of packed together snow.

Lisa always joked that she was a foster parent for all of 2 weeks before she decided she couldn't see us move to a different home. I knew the real reason that she took us in so fast  was because she knew Aggie and I would get separated if not. Honestly though, I was so glad she did. I don't know what we'd do without her, and plus, I'm sure the government money helps.

This time last year, if you told me I'd be laughing about my sister swearing in front of my parent with my boyfriend, I would have called you batshit insane. 'Probably would have thrown a slur in there too, for good measure.

I can't believe the person I was back then. Ever sense it was decided everything was self defense and the cult members were convicted, things just felt different. Safer. I'm never scared to ask for food or that I'll get hurt if I don't pray. Hell, I'm not even scared to admit that I don't believe in that stuff anymore. Plus, with my therapist and Lisa, I'm having far less panic attacks about... everything.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you," sal started, a careful air about his tone, "Are you ok? I know it's been a year since... since you moved out today."

Moved out was sure a nice way to put it.

I swallowed.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm ok. I mean, it's hard, but I'll be ok."

"Yeah, I get it... It's ok if your not, tho."

"Honestly, Sal,..." I looked around the snow, at my best friends and family.

There was Ma, who would never dream of putting her hands on any of us, who taught me that family is the people who love you and who you love, not your blood.

Larry, who is the funniest person I know and taught me to not take everything so seriously. I'd always wanted a brother and he managed to be that and my best friend at the same time.

Todd and Neil, who taught me that no matter what anyone says, i am who I am and hating myself won't change that.

My little sister, who has grown into a happy, lovely pre-tween despite having to go through hell before her 10th birthday.

Ash, who never gives up on being kind to everyone, and who taught me to do the same.

And, Sal, who i will love till the day I die. Who, before anyone else, saw past what i showed the world. Who saved me.

I smiled to myself. I was so lucky to have every single one of them.

I reached over, placing my mitten on Sal's leg.

"...there's nowhere else I'd rather be."


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