School shenanigans

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Charlie slouched out of bed, the sound of his alarm piercing through his ears. He groaned, grabbing his phone and looking at his notifications, his face lit up slightly when he saw three notifications, all from the same person, Nick Nelson.
'Hey Charlie! Morning!!!

Hope your doing well❤️❤️❤️

I know ima like see you at school in like half an hour but I miss you!!!!❤️'

Charlie chuckled, Nick was so cute in the mornings. He would always wake up to the most adorable and sweet notifications, always from Nick, always to him. It made him so happy, and always made the starts of his days brighter. He stood up out of bed and got changed out of his pyjamas, he threw on his school uniform, not really caring wether it was on properly or not, gave his hair a little brush, looking at himself in the mirror for just one moment before stepping out of his room.

He went down the stairs and was greeted by his younger brother Oliver and older sister Tori. Tori rolled her eyes at Charlie and walked up to him, drink in hand,
"Do you even care about how your clothes look? Your tie is to one side and your clothes are all crumpled up! I'll have to iron them when your home." She said, grabbing his collar and straightening it out. Charlie rolled his eyes back at her,
"It doesn't really matter! Also like you acting like mom right now! Just let me go to school! Are you ready anyway?" He asked her, pushing her off, they always took the bus together in the mornings. She nodded,
"Yes, mom's going to take Oliver to school in a moment so we should be good. Let's roll."

Charlie nodded, he walked over to the front door, sitting down and putting shoes on, he then went to grab the door knob, but was stopped by a grab to his wrist. He flinched, looking behind him to see, once again, Tori, she was holding a croissant,
"You forgot breakfast! Again. Take this, eat it on the bus." She said, handing it to him. He sighed and out it in his pocket,
"I'll share it with Tao, he lives croissants." Charlie said, smiling. Tori gave him a suspicious look but nodded,
"Now let's roll!" She said.

They went down the rainy streets and down to the bus stop, where the bus arrives quite late. Tori prepared to have a for at the bus driver, more mad at making Charlie late then herself, but Charlie stopped her,
"You don't want to be a Karen, do you?" He chuckled, Tori rolled her eyes,
"I guess not." Charlie nodded,
"Then just leave it." Tori laughed and nodded, still giving a glare at the bus driver as the walked to the back of the bus.

They finally started moving towards the school, Charlie looked outside the window in excitement. He was always excited to see Nick at school, but for some reason today it felt stronger, maybe it was because he hadn't seen him for the entire weekend. He really loved seeing Nick in general, he always made him happy, he always made him feel so special. Like there wasn't any other guys in the world he would rather be with other than him, and to Nick it was true.

He was thinking about Nick and didn't even realize Tori was talking to him,
"Charlie? Charlieeee. Watcha thinking about?" She said, snapping him out of his trance. He jumped and turned to face his older sister,
"Huh? Oh, just about seeing the others when I arrive at school." He said, putting a hand to the back of his neck. Tori smiled in a mischievous way,
"Your thinking about your boyfrieeendd, aren't you?" She said, immediately reading him like a book.

He blushed profoundly,
"Wh- No! I mean- yes... Sort of... But like! I'm just happy to see him AND the others." He said, his heart beat increasing. Tori laughed at the way he reacted,
"Sure little bro."

The bus stopped and the siblings knew this was their queue, exiting the bus Tori gave the driver one final death glare that could send shivers down your spine, before being dragged of by Charlie. They walked down the schools street and Charlie waved goodbye to his sister as he turned into Truham,
"See you later!" He said, she smiled at him, waving and giving him a soft smile.

Charlie turned around and smiled, his smile went down a little slightly as he saw Nick's old group of friends, Ben specifically. He gave him a weird sort of smirk before whispering something into Harry's ear while pointing at Charlie, making Harry laugh. Charlie rolled his eyes,
'Don't let them get to you' he thought, they just weren't worth it.

He walked closer to the rugby field, getting unexpectedly tackled and almost being knocked to the ground. He got the wind knocked out of him, steadying himself against the net,
"Oh! Sorry Charlie! I was just excited to see you." He looked up to see Nick, giving him a worried yet happy look. He helped Charlie steady himself, hugging him as a greeting. Charlie blushed,
"It's fine Nick! I'm really happy to see you to." He said, chuckling. He saw Nick blush slightly as he chuckled.

The two boys walked over to his friends table, everyone greeting Charlie happily. Isaac sighed happily,
"Thank god your here! I thought these to would get into a fist fight over crisp flavours in a moment!" He said, placing his book down. Tao gave Nick and annoyed look, Nick smirked,
"Well this idiot thinks cocktail crisps are the best! They are revolting!!" Tao said, slamming his fist on the table. Nick rolled his eyes, chuckling,
"And the basic chips are the best? Come on, don't be boring." Nick replied, Tao gasped, as if he was about to say something in response, but Charlie stopped them both,
"Okay! Well both good sides, how about we continue this later than! I feel like the bell is about to go off!" Charlie said, checking his watch. Tao shook his head,
"Nah, I doesn't go off for at least another-" He was cut of by the same bell they were just talking about ringing,
"Oh..." He said, awkwardly putting his hand down. Everyone chuckled, Tao rolled his eyes,
"See you all later!" Charlie said, waving his friends goodbye as they quickly rushed of to their forms.

The two boys ran into their form, racing towards there seats, Charlie slammed himself onto his seat first,
"First place wohoo!!!" He shouted, sticking his tongue out at Nick, who was breathing heavily and collapsed on his chair,
"Why are you so fast?... I'll never be able to beat you." He said ,trying to catch his breath. Charlie laughed at the other exhausted boy,
"Awww, don't be sour..." He leaned in towards like, smirking.

Nick blushed heavily, smiling like an idiot, he suddenly realised and shook his head, quickly putting on a confidant demeener,
"You know what would help?" Nick asked, eyeing Charlie suspiciously. Charlie raised an eyebrow,
"What?" He responded,
"How about I little kiss~" He said, leaning even closer to Charlie. Charlie did not expect that response,
"Wh- Bu- we- But people are watching." He said, gesturing to the form and the teacher taking registration.
"Well according to me, they aren't looking." He said, and before Charlie could get a response he pressed his lips against Charlie's.

Sadly this only lasted a few seconds, Nick placed his hand on top of Charlie's, before pulling away, that same mischievous grin on his face. Both Charlie and Nick were red in the face, holding hands and just staring into eachother's eyes,
"Did that help?" Charlie asked.
"Of course it did." Nick replied. The two boys both chuckled, Charlie felt butterflys in his stomach,

He really loved this boy~

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