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Hey! Writer here. So I wasn't thinking of adding these parts into the story but then I saw how many of you were actually here reading the story. So yeah I decided to add these bits in incase you all wanted to know more context about everyone's situation with Charlie. I don't know how long this will be so enjoy!

Okay first let's start off with the original reactions when the Paris squad found out about Charlie.

Nick- Nick was there when it happened, but after beating Ben up and keeping him still till the police and ambulance showed up. He really just fell apart. He wouldn't leave Charlie's side and kept holding and squeezing his hand. He didn't even realise that he was hurt himself from the fights with the boy's. People tried to get through to him, but no one could get him to respond. Mr Ayaji was by his side, a hand on his shoulder, his family hadn't been contacted yet so he was all he had for now. After he was rushed into the ward Nick snapped, he tried to get to Charlie but was held back by many doctors and had to leave the hospital. After that he locked himself in his room, not going to school and bearly even eating. He put a lot of blame on himself and still doesn't fully believe that it wasn't atleast partially his fault. When he finally came out of his room he was still a mess, getting to see Charlie did help him though. But he is nearly staying together.

Aled- Aled was in shock when he heard what happened, they were all really hanging out and then Nick texted them saying that they all needed to go to where Tao and Elle were hanging out. He then called them to say the news, his voice shaky and quiet. Aled stayed quiet for just a moment before falling to his knees and bursting into sobs. He couldn't wrap his head around what had happened. He just didn't believe it. He was comforted by his friends and quickly put himself back together, but he and a few of the others did all stay together to have a good cry together. Aled cried tears of joy when they got to see Charlie again.

Isaac- Isaac was quiet like Aled. Not for a moment though. Isaac didn't respond, he just completely zoned out. They tried to get through to him but he didn't say anything. He got picked up, he was crying, but not making a noise, he was the only one that they hadn't heard from until they all went to see Charlie when he was better. He locked himself away from everyone, he didn't even change out of his original clothes, he just stayed in his room till he knew Charlie was okay. He bearly slept, or ate, he just prayed that Charlie was going to be okay.

Elle and Tara- Elle and Tara had similar reactions. Once again, a lot of tears, but after this happened, they didn't want to stay apart from eachother, they were both shocked to the bone of what happened. They couldn't sleep, they had flashes of horrible scenes of what they thought happened to Charlie, and it gave them nightmares. So Elle slept over at Tara's and they kept eachother company, they both comforted eachother and stayed awake together when they couldn't sleep. They stayed like that till they got to see Charlie awake again, they were both extremely happy, although they still get nightmares from what happened, they now he is okay, and that is enough to keep them happy enough.

Darcy- Darcy was just as upset as everyone else, but didn't let anyone see her cry. She cried when she got home, away from everyone else. During the next few days, she tried to keep everyone upbeat, she made jokes, kept a smile, and comforted everyone the most. Darcy didn't want to lose hope, she knew he would be okay, she wouldn't let herself believe it was over. Darcy would've been there to sleep over with Elle and Tara but wasn't allowed, her parents didn't want her to which led to arguments between her parents. She never loved her parents anyway, but their relationship got worse and Darcy ended up throwing things out of rage at them and swearing at them. She doesn't want to talk about her parents anymore, and she has a right to, as you will find out possibly later.

Tao- Tao reacted the worst. He went into a spiral of rage. Tears streamed down his face and he started shouting, he pulled at his hair and pushed his friends away when they tried to go near him. He didn't process what happened to him. He ran out of the house, being chased after his friends, he ran down to the police station in their town, where he knew the boys would be held until they were picked up to go to juvenile. He ran in, he pushed cops out of his way, he tried to break into the cell, true to attack the boys screaming and swearing. He was held back by his friends and police and taken home, where his mum took care of him and where he just broke down and screamed for Charlie's safety. He was the happiest other than Nick when they went to visit him, the first to arrive, he basically wanted to tackle Charlie and tell him how glad he was that he was alright. He's probably doing the best now.

Nick and Charlie's family do not know about what Ben did to Charlie. They know how he harmed him, but they don't know about the hickeys or what may have happened. The doctors do not know if anything happened other than the hickeys and touching, they need Charlie to get out of his shock before they ask though. Doctor Harris has brought it up though, staying he didn't tell the family and that Charlie will have to do it himself. Charlie said that he would eventually, but is planning to hide it away, not wanting his family to worry.

Charlie has also been have consecutive nightmares about what happened, Charlie cannot remember exactly what happened that day after-school. He gets flashes of it in his nightmares, he can never remember them though. He knows what happend, yet when he tries to think about it the memory of being there all comes out in flashed and blurs. Charlie did suffer serious trauma from this, that will only be explored later on though.

What happened was broadcasted on the news and is a very big event that lots of people in England are talking about. It's become a really popular case as not much has been revealed to the public about what went down. They do know though that Ben Hope was definitely the conductor of it all. The police have decided to charge Harry and his two friends with lesser felony's, as they seemed in quite a shock about what they have done. Ben on the other hand has been nothing less then cruel towards what he did, showing no remorse what soever. He showed to the public that he didn't care about how his actions affected family and friends of Charlie and said he hoped Charlie would've just died then and there.

Charlie's injuries although terrible are not life threatening anymore, his blood level has gone back to stable condition and apart from trauma he is doing well. He isn't going back to school yet but he will be leaving the hospital soon to go rest at home!🎉 Everyone is really happy about this and at home everyone Charlie know has sent gifts of good luck that await him when he arrives.

Okay that's all I think is important, I never thought I was going to share this but it will help you understand the story better so yeah! I hope you found this useful, I always love adding as much information as I can in these stories and this will give you an angle into how everyone it taking the situation, friend or not. Thats it for now my dear readers. Thank you so much for reading, HAVE A GOOD DAY NIGHT AND LIFE❤️❤️❤️

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