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"Ugh why am I so tiredddd." Charlie said, trailing along after Nick. Nick chuckled and turned around, walking backwards,
"You're aloud to be tired on a weekend you know?" Nick replied, slowing down for Charlie. Charlie sighed and nodded,
"It isn't helping that your a strong rugby lad! When are you tired?" Charlie said, grabbing onto his arm and dragging him back. Nick rolled his eyes,
"Why is that always you're excuse, here if it's such a problem then come over here." Nick said, pulling Charlie towards him with his arm. Charlie blushed as he almost crashed into Nick,
"Wa- hey! What are you-" Charlie was cut of by Nick easily swinging Nick upwards and into his arms, carrying him bridal style.

Charlie blushed heavily,
"Nick! Put me down! What are you doing!" Charlie hit Nick's arm and kicked his legs, only making Nick hold on tighter. Charlie squirmed and all Nick did was chuckle,
"Hey, you said you were tired! Isn't this so much easier?" Nick said, cocking his head to one side and smirking at the other boy. Charlie scoffed,
"I hate you..." Was all that Charlie could say, to be fair this was much easier than walking, and he loved being in Nick's strong arms.

Nick saw that Charlie was getting comfortable, and they were getting closer to the park, so he obviously started running. This caught Charlie completely of guard making him shout,
"Nick! I swear to god if you drop me! Put me down!!!" He clung onto Nicks neck as he ran. Nick blushed and laughed,
"Stop whining!" Charlie gasped, pretending to be offended,
"I am looking out for my health! I'm blaming you if you drop me and I get a concussion." Charlie said in a dramatic tone. Both boys laughed and Nick slowed down, as they entered the park and got a couple of odd looks.

Charlie pushed at Nick's chest,
"Put me down now!!! I can walk!" Charlie demanded, kicking once more. Nick shrugged,
"Okay." He dropped Charlie down onto the ground. Charlie hit the grass with a thud, gasping in shock, he groaned, looking back up at the evil smirk on Nick's face,
"You little-" He began, jumping up onto his feet and brushing himself off. Nick shushed him,
"Can't swear at your boyfriend." Nick stated, wagging his finger in front of Charlie. Charlie sighed in annoyance, Nick made that rule for some random reason, it came right next to a couple other dumb rules such as,
'Don't to disgusting things like chewing with your mouth open infront of your boyfriend' and,
'Don't steal all of Nick's jumpers.'

So Charlie just sighed heavily, turning away from Nick and crossing his arms. Nick put a hand to his side,
"Are you upset Char'? Aww I'm sorry." Nick said, walking round to face Charlie, still smirking. Charlie stuck his tongue out,
"Yes, I am upset. You'll never be forgiven for your rudeness today." Charlie replied, snuggling into one of Nick's jumpers. Nick tried hard not to chuckle, he was always very dramatic with him, he honestly found it adorable.
"Oh no. However can I make it up to you my dearest boyfriend?" Nick asked, running a hand through his hair as if he was in deep thought.

Charlie thought for a moment, he kept a straight face,
"Hmm, okay, all will be forgiven if..." Charlie ran past Nick, almost knocking him over with his speed, "You make it to the climbing frame first!" He shouted, already far ahead. Nick gasped, quickly running after the much faster boy,
"Hey! No fair you cheater!" He shouted behind, trying to catch up. He heard Charlie laugh a little bit ahead,
"Your fault for letting your guard off. You know I love a good race." Charlie turned around and winked at Nick, before speeding up towards the climbing frame which was a little far ahead. Charlie always took the opportunity to race against Nick, Nick always falling behind, and Charlie laughing at Nick when he got salty because of how competitive he was.

Charlie laughed as he heard Nick gasping for air behind him, as he tried to catch up with the whippet of a boy. He wasn't looking infront of him and so didn't see the boys infront of him, approaching the climbing frame. Suddenly he stopped running, his foot getting caught in something. He gasped, falling to the ground with a thud, hearing a couple laughs around him. He groaned, opening his eyes and sitting up. He looked up in annoyance, he never tripped, what could've-

Nick was still running, but quickly stopped for a moment, what he saw was a few boys, four or five, they all appeared out of nowhere. He didn't even have the reaction time to warn Charlie, as one stuck their foot out and completely tripped Charlie up. He watched Charlie fall, and watched the boys laugh. He started running again, seeing if Charlie was okay.

Charlie's eyes widened as he looked up and saw what had happened. There were five boys, Harry, Ben and three other boys he didn't think went to Truham. His eyes widened, he quickly backed away, away from the boys, backwards to where Nick was. Harry laughed, leaning down so that he was face to face with Charlie,
"Well isn't this nice! How are you doing Charlie? Still a gay little b-" Harry was cut of by Nick arriving very quickly,
"Charlie! Are you okay?" He quickly took a glance at the other boys and just gave them a look of disgust, of course it had to be them.

Charlie quickly nodded, getting up and standing close to Nick, Nick could sense he was shaking. Harry laughed,
"Didn't take long for you to arrive. His knight in shining armour, should've known." The other boys laughed with him. Nick rolled his eyes,
"Leave us alone Harry." Nick said, instinctively grabbing onto Charlie's wrist and trying to take him away from the boys. Harry intervened.

"Up up up, give us a moment to speak." Harry grabbed onto Charlie's other free wrist, Charlie flinched and looked at Harry in fear. Nick snapped back around to stare at the group,
"Let go of him." He simply said, venom in his voice. Harry just kept smirking his stupid smirk,
"Look, we just wanted to say hi to Charlie here, see what's up with him." Harry pulled on Charlie's wrist, knocking him forward towards the boys. Nick's blood started boiling,
"Let him go." He said slightly louder this time.

Harry ignored Nick. He pulled him once more, Nick being unable to hold onto him and letting go. Harry swung an arm around Nick, turning his attention away from Nick who was behind them.
"You've been getting the message right? Just to clarify, we don't wanna play nice anymore, we don't like you, y'know? And we just, feel like you deserve to-" Harry couldn't even finish his sentence as he was pulled backwards, falling back on his back,
"I said let him go!" Nick shouted, pulling Charlie away from the group by the arm this time.

Charlie was breathing heavily and was absolutely terrified. Harry shouted at Nick and swore that he wasn't down with them and Nick would suffer. Nick didn't turn around, he ran as fast as he could, he wanted to go to his house, but instead went for the other side of the park, where the library was, and ran over to a large blossom tree that they usually did their homework under.

The boys sat down and were both breathing heavily, Charlie's breath was shaky and so was he. Nick quickly wrapped his arms around Charlie,
"Don't worry, don't worry. They are gone, they aren't going to hurt you." Nick said, running his hand through Charlie's ahir in a comforting way. Charlie slowed down his breathing, he felt safer in Nick's arms. Charlie whispered,
"Why do they hate me so much..." He buried his face in Nick's shoulder. Nick shrugged,
"I don't know. But I do know that just like over there, if they try going near you I will be there to protect you. Okay?" Nick said, in stern way, beacuse he believed that no matter what, that's where he would be, by Nick's side protecting him. Charlie nodded,


"Do you believe me?"


"Good, beacuse I love you Char'."

"I love you too."

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