Horror's of after-school (PT.4)

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"He's not anywhere..." Nick said in an exasperated tone, sealing his eyes shut and putting his hand to his face. Mr. Ajayi sighed,
"We can't give up, because something has gone on and if we leave it to happen... We just can't let those evil people win." Mr Ajayi said, he knew whoever was doing this was cruel and cold blooded, and showed no remorse for what they were doing. Nick suddenly jumped up from where he was sitting,
"Win?" He repeated, like he had just realised something. Mr Ajayi looked at him in confusion,
"Win!" Nick said once more, running out towards the break area of the students field,
"Nick? Where are you going?" Mr Ajayi raced over to Nick, hoping he had found something.
"The rugby field, there's a shed there, he's got to be in it! It's our only hope!" Nick shouted back, racing onto the wet field straight towards a small green shed.

Ben grinned as he felt all over Charlie's body. Charlie cried and whimpered,
"Oh shut it!" Ben said in annoyance, digging his nails into Charlie's skin. He grinned and looked straight into Charlie's eyes, Charlie saw nothing but pure evil in his yes, no regret for what he was doing, and that scared him to the bone. Ben started grinding on him, running his crotch against Charlie's. Charlie couldn't do anything to stop him, besides feel incredibly uncomfortable and croak at him to stop, which he obviously didn't. Charlie desperately tried to edge away from Ben, he tugged at his ropes and tried to cut into the rope using his nails.

Ben saw this and grabbed onto his wrists, gripping them tight, Charlie winced as he squeezed into the cuts he got from the pins. Ben held onto his wrist and kept grinding against Charlie, groaning happily. He then slowly reached down to his zipper, Charlie held his breath,
"No... Please..." Charlie begged one final time. He got no response from Ben. Charlie was just about to give up, there was nothing more he could to, he was to weak and pathetic to do anything. Suddenly the door flew open, allowing light to seep into the room. All of the boys jumped, Ben got off of Charlie quickly, his eyes wide in shock. Two figures stood at the doorway, Charlie gasped and tears of relief filled his eyes, Nick was there.

Nick and Mr Ajayi burst through the door. They found they're answer when they saw a blood covered Charlie strapped to a chair. Nick saw the pure relief in his eyes as he saw him, his expression didn't change though, he was still crying and whimpering. Mr Ajayi was shocked,
"What the hell is going on?!" He shouted, he was horrified by the state of Charlie, noticing his wounds way before Nick did. Harry looked afraid for once, he and the boys panicked, looking around them. Mr Ajayi put his hands up,
"Look, put whatever weapons you have down boys, I don't want anyone else getting hurt." He said in a calm tone, despite being terrified fro Charlie's safety, he always had a soft spot for him. Ben looked over at the three other boys, he looked back over to Mr Ajayi, shaking his head.

Ben lunged at Mr Ajayi, he had nothing but his fists to fight with, but he put them to good use. One of the other boys lunged at Nick, again, just fists. Fortunately, Nick was strong and that boy was quite weak, so he quickly threw him to the ground, he didn't want to hurt anyone to bad though, he hadn't seen how bad Charlie's injuries were yet. The boy ran away and was followed by both Harry and the other unknown boy, Nick tried to stop them, but had to focus on Mr Ajayi for the moment,
"I'm sorry." Mumbled Harry as he ran as quickly as he could out of the shed, catching Nick off guard for a moment.

Mr Ajayi could fight, which surprised Nick, but he couldn't fight as well as Ben could, Ben was always known for winning fights against anyone. Mr Ajayi had bruises on his face, but he still did not try to properly hurt Ben, especially since he was another pupil. Nick looked at Charlie, who had been watching this play out, Charlie just had his eyes wide in fear, watching the fight. It was only then that Nick could properly see how hurt Charlie was. He saw his blood covered arms, all of the cuts and bruises on his face, and the horror on his face. Nick was suddenly filled with rage.

Charlie saw Nick lunge himself at Mr Ajayi and Ben's fight, pulling Nick off by the collar. He pushed Mr Ajayi towards Charlie,
"Get him to a hospital! Quickly!" Nick shouted, spinning Ben round and punching him straight in the nose, knocking him backwards. Mr Ajayi untied Charlie quickly, whilst Ben jumped up at Nick and clawed his face, Nick didn't yell, didn't ask for help, he just kept fighting back at Ben, fire in his eyes. Mr Ajayi picked Charlie up, Charlie could bearly lift a limb, his breathing was heavy, and sweat drenched him. Mr Ajayi turned to the door,
"Nick! Come on." Mr Ajayi said, he squeezed Charlie tight. Charlie looked up at Mr Ajayi,
"Thank you..." He whispered, his voice shattered.

Nick nodded, he threw Ben to the side,
"Coming-" He tried to walk out of the shed, but was pulled back by the neck by Ben, he choked, falling back. Mr Ajayi gasped, he sped up to Nick, but Nick shouted and put his hand up,
"No! Don't. Go with Charlie, I'll catch up." Nick said, kicking back at Ben. Mr Ajayi sighed, but nodded. Nick smiled softly at Charlie, meeting eyes with him, and Mr Ajayi started running holding Charlie, to the school, to go call the ambulance.

Charlie looked up at Mr Ajayi once more, his vision was swimming, he could see his blood seeping onto Mr Ajayis sweater. Mr Ajayi looked down at him,
"Stay with me Charlie, you're going to be fine okay, I'm going to call someone, you are going to be fine." Mr Ajayi said, more as an order than a hope. Charlie smiled weakly at him, he cared, and he could see that. His head pounded though, he felt his body going numb, his world darkening, his breath became slower, and the world seemed to slow down with it,
"I... Don't think..." Charlie tried to say, he would bleed out, he would die, he'd never be able to see his friends again, never tell Nick how much he loved him,
"No, Charlie don't say anything like that, they will come for you, you are a strong boy." Mr Ajayi entered the school, quickly looking for a phone.
"I'm sorry..." Charlie said, his world went dark and his body fell limp.

Mr Ajayi shook Charlie, no no no, this wasn't happening, it would be fine, he was not losing a student. He placed Charlie on the couch of the school lobby, running over to the service phone they had by reception. He slammed down the numbers to the hospital, waiting to connect. He glanced at Charlie once more, oh god please pick up. He heard the phone connected, and sighed heavily in relief, he didn't realise he was holding his breath.

The phone connected,
"Hello? What do you need?" The person asked, a calm voice. Mr Ajayi tried to keep his voice steady,
"Thank god. Yes, I need an ambulance here quickly, Truham highschool, there had been an assult to a student. Please come quickly."

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