Please talk

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"Wake up sleepyhead." Charlie was startled awake, but he wasn't where he was meant to be. He was in a small cold bed with stone walls surrounding him. In the corner of the room was a sink and dirty yellow toilet, and a small window above it which was barred off.

He looked to his right and his breathing stopped,
"Did you miss me?" Ben said, his prions uniform dirty and ripped. He had an evil grinning his face and his eyes had a flash of red in them.
"No... You're not real." Charlie choked out, surprised by how dry and small his voice was. Ben laughed,
"Am I not now.?" He approached Charlie and touched his shoulder, Charlie shouted and backed away.
"Don't lie to me Charlie."
That was when he saw his blood covered arms, looked down at his broken and bent legs and the bruises on his exposed skin.

Charlie began to panic, how had he got here, why was he there, why was Ben here with him, what should he do. Ben smiled at him,
"Now, where did we leave off?" He asked, getting closer to Charlie, leaning on the bed to get closer to him. Charlie tried to move, but couldn't, it was like he was frozen in place, staring into Ben's cold, dead eyes.
"Oh... I remember." Ben put his hand and Charlie's waist and leaned down onto him, kissing him and placing his free hand on Charlie's thigh. Charlie was crying silently now,
"No... Please. Stop... Stop..."

Charlie woke up and lunched himself forward. He was sweaty and breathing heavily, he looked down at himself, his shaking hands, his blurred vision. He looked around at the room, they were on the top floor and the ceiling was curved and lights were wrapped around the sides of the ceiling. He was in Nick's room, safe, with Nick, what a great time for him to have a nightmare.

He breathed slower and hoped that Charlie wasn't awake, slowly looking down to see if Nick was still asleep.

Nick stirred in his sleep, confused as to where the other source of warmth had gone. Charlie smiled to himself in relief, thank god. Charlie then debated whether or not to try going back to bed or not, but when he tried to lean back down shivers jolted him back up as his shoulder touched Nick's, the bloody, ripped shoulders in his dream played back in his mind, he shuddered. He got out of Nick's bed and walked into Nick's bathroom, carefully closing the door behind him. He then took a deep breath before turning on the sink and splashing some cold water on his face, hoping it would help. Unfortunately he didn't pay attention to how loud he was being.

Nick groaned and rolled to his side, facing his clock, 4:06am. He groaned again and rubbed his eyes, sitting himself up. His attention then turned to the little glimmer of light coming from his bathroom, indicating someone was inside. It took him a moment to remember Charlie was there. He then realised that Charlie never woke up in the night, unless there was noise or something had happened, Nick assumed the second option, you had to assume things like that when around Charlie, you could never be to careful.

Nick got up and went up to the door, where he heard to tap turn off after a moment of splashing and the sound of running water. He knocked on the door,
"Charlie? Are you okay?" Nick's voice was quiet and layered with sleep, but you could here the littlest bit of worry in his voice. Charlie held his breath,
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just... Going to the bathroom." Charlie wasn't good at lying, especially to Nick, and plus, he was scared and tiered, so that didn't help.

Nick obviously didn't believe it,
"Are you sure? Did something happen? Did you have a nightmare again?" Nick knew from Charlie's parents and Tori that Charlie was having nightmares, but that they seemed to be going away slightly, but you could never be to careful.
"I. Am. Fine." Charlie simply said, not adding anything else to the statement.

Nick thought that maybe he should've left it, but he was worried to much. He grabbed the spare bathroom key and opened the bathroom door.

Charlie jumped up, his hair was messy and partly wet, he was very sweaty and had panic stricken eyes, he looked at Nick in shock. Nick walked up to Charlie,
"Charlie, please don't lie to me." Nick tried to place an arm on Nick's shoulder, but his face went dark and a grin was plastered onto his face, his hair went darker and the room faded to grey.

"Stop it! Please get away!" Charlie backed up to the bathtub do quickly he almost fell backwards, he was shaking and held onto his shoulder like it was in pain. Nick just stood there, he held his hand back, holding it like it was some sort of weapon. He looked down at himself,
"Charlie?" He said, trying to approach him. Charlie gasped in panic and held his arms up.

Nick backed away, in shock,
"I'm sorry, Charlie I didn't mean to do anything wrong. But somethings up with you, and you aren't telling me anything. Please, just talk to me." Nick said, his voice shaking. Charlie's eyes widened, Nick's worried face becoming clear now, he held himself away from Charlie, looking hurt and upset.
"I'm sorry... I don't know, I can't... Explain." Charlie began,
"But why? You now I'll understand, I don't get what you're going through, but if you tell me what's happening, I can try to understand." Nick didn't know how to phrase it, he didn't want to pressure Charlie, but he needed him to be okay.
"It's not like that, it was nothing, I promise." Charlie said, his voice going stern and serious, he held back tears and walked past Nick, going back into bed.

Nick still stood there, turning around and looking at Charlie in a pleading way,
"I promise." Charlie said, rolling away from him, his voice went emotionless and unmeaningful, Nick sighed and nodded. But what could he do? Something was so wrong, he needed to tell somebody this, he needed to get Charlie help, or something terrible would happen.

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