Back at school

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(For those of you who didn't know heartstopper is getting more seasons I thought I'd put the picture up. Nothing to do with the story but yk. Enjoy!)

"Ugh why do we have to go to schoollll!" Charlie groaned, hearing the bell go off signaling that they should head to form. Nick laughed,
"So you can learn some stuff." Nick replied, standing up from their bench and swinging his bag over his shoulder.
"Yeah but like what if we had it for like two days, like switch the weekend days to be five and the week days to be two. I'd still learn some stuff." Charlie tried to reason, shrugging and standing up aswell. Tao grinned at Charlie,
"I wish it were that easy." Was all he said, adjusting his beanie.

Charlie put his bag on,
"But imagine though!" It would be great." He stated, looking up as if he wished it would somehow com true. Aled turned around to face Charlie,
"Sorry Charlie, I just don't think it's that easy." He started walking of to his form, which was in the opposite direction, Tao trending along,
"Hey this isn't over! We have more to talk about during break!" Charlie shouted after him, slamming his fist down at the table,
"Can't wait to here more." Isaac said, the three boys disappearing into the sea of other teenage boys.

Charlie was about to shout after them again when he felt a tug at his sleeve. He turned around and saw Nick,
"Come on, we don't want to be late for register." Nick took Charlie by the hand, walking towards the overcrowded doorway which led to their form room. Charlie rolled his eyes,
"Said literally none of us ever." Both boys laughed.

They merged with the crowd and Nick made sure he held onto Charlie's hand. The crowds were always worse in the mornings, so Nick always made sure he had Charlie's hand to hold on to. It was also a good excuse to hold his boyfriend's hand. Nick was always better at navigating through crowds, Charlie got awkward and if there was enough shouting and movement he would start to panic, so it was nice having someone who always knew the way to guide him.

Nick opened the door to their form and let the students pour into the room, startling the form tutor who was peacefully reading and waiting for them to 'sensibly' enter the room and sit down. All the boys sat down in their spots and talked, the morning craze starting. Nick and Charlie sat down, Nick still holding on to Charlie's hand underneath the table.
"Ah the peaceful mornings." Nick sighed, looking around at the classroom where papers and pens had already started flying though the air.
"Love a good school morning." Charlie agreed, right before the form tutor believing above all of their voices to be quite so that he could do the register. Both boys sniggered.

After that the day was basically normal, just a normal Monday morning. Register was taken, the boys did not quiet down, everyone got a good fifteen minutes to do late homework, check their lessons or just plain gossip. They were then let out to go to their first period, which Nick and Charlie had separately sadly. Charlie stated quiet in his corner, did the asked work, and went off to second period. Once again, with no Nick, he stayed quiet, did the work, raised his hand to answer questions. And quietly left the room to finally go to break. After what seemed like forever of not seeing his friends.

Break, Nick and Charlie didn't play rugby this break, after what happened at the park they just didn't want to be near the other boys. At lunch Nick was going to go play with them, just for the rugby obviously, but Charlie decided to stay with his friends instead. Only Tao knew snippets of what happened at the park, not the full story though, he just knew that those boys were being dicks even more than usual.

Charlie kept talking about his revolutionary new learning system, two days a week full of the best subjects, you get to sit out subjects you don't like, and you can sit next to your friends in all your classes. The others just laughed along at his idea, all of them knowing it was just an idiotic idea of Charlie's, something they all knew wouldn't happen. But what's the problem on making up things for a laugh anyway?

Third period came around, luckily all the next periods were with Nick, so he was lucky. Charlie and Nick passed notes throughout the class, they were close to eachother anyway so they didn't have to go through much trouble to get the notes to eachother, and didn't get caught. The lesson always flies by when Charlie's messing around with Nick, and although he didn't learn much, geography was a stupid subject anyway.

Lunch came and went, Charlie just talked about random things like milkshake flavours and music, watching his friends eat their lunch. Nick did indeed go of to play rugby with the boys, coming back at the end of lunch all sweaty and out of breath. Something that made Charlie blush and look away quickly, earning a small laugh from Tao who mumbled,
"Gay." Earning a small chuckled from Aled next to him.

Next came fourth period, drama. Drama was always a breeze, the drama teacher was very spiritual and would play calming music and calmly give them a task to do, before going off to the corner of the room and waiting for the lesson to finish, she believed the kids could teach themselves till the bell went. So Nick and Charlie occasionally did the pose or two when she opened her eyes and looked around, but just talked and play fought the entire time.

Last period, not much happened, Nick and Charlie were on the other side of the classroom for being caught in other lessons sending messages, so nothing fun really happened in the lesson. Charlie just doodled little pictures of Nellie, Nick's dog, who he was in love with. He did that a lot when he was bored, Nellie was a very fun dog to draw, and Nick always loved his drawings.

And finally the day ended, Tao and Aled went out somewhere with their families, which ment as soon as school ended they were out the gate, leaving Isaac Charlie and Nick together.  Isaac went of to meet with Elle, he didn't really specify, just mumbling something about a book and a movie before saying goodbye and leaving the gate.

That's was fine, Nick an Charlie always walked back together anyway. Nick was about to step out of the gateway when Charlie pulled on his sleeve,
"I need to go give in my art assignment to my teacher, mind looking for him with me?" Charlie asked, giving him a look that said sorry already. Nick smiled,
"Of course! It's not like we've got anywhere to be anyway, let's go." Nick turned around and they walked back into the school. Watching small groups of students leaving the school, until just a couple of kids remained, one by one leaving and heading home. Only Charlie and Nick were in the school now.

They shouldn't have looked for the teacher, why couldn't they have done it any other time. After-school was the perfect time for bad things to happen.

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