Back to school

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Charlie woke up and groaned, great, school. Now, he was usually annoyed at having to wake up early and get ready to go to a place that he didn't want to be in, that was normal. What was worrying him was that he had been gone for around four months, and what had happened to him had definitely spread around the school, while students awaited his return, if he would.

He didn't know what they said about him, but he couldn't have imagined it to be great. Mainly pity, he assumed, which he was not ready for, Charlie hated pity, the sad eyes looks people gave him when they felt bad for him. He didn't need that, he didn't care how bad other felt, he didn't want anything from them. What was his business was his, especially when it came to this.

But Nick would be there, and he said he would be with him at all times, especially since the teachers allowed him to come see Charlie at any time in the middle of class for the next to months, until everything had 'calmed down.'

And teachers would be keeping a close eye on both him and the people around him, making regular check ups to make sure he was okay. Charlie didn't like all of the extra attention, but knew that he couldn't make it go and that it was better safe than sorry. But who could harm him now? There was no one left who held such a strong grudge on him that weren't already in prison, so the day should go smoothly, right?

Somehow, Charlie thought not.

But there he was, up again, getting ready, silently eating breakfast, walking out with Tori and greeted by Nick at the front door, his smile tired but still joyful and kind. They then got onto the bus, making a quick journey to the school, and that was that, there they were Infront of the school gate once more, people already going silent and gasping at the sight of the long gone Charlie Spring.

Charlie was greeted by all of his usual friends, which he half heartedly greeted, trying to stay happy. But he kept his eyes fixated on the school gate, could he really just walk back in there, after everything that had happened, and be okay? Could he see the places where he was beaten, stabbed and cut through, and where he was carried out, blood gushing onto the ground below, Nick and Me Ayaji desperately trying to save his fragile soul?

Already, his breathing was getting quicker, his hand clutching his chest as he tried to calm himself down, he wasn't even on school grounds yet. He couldn't be this pathetic already. Ben's words always echoed in his mind 'You are pathetic, none of them want to be around you. You Deserved To Die.'

"Charlie?" Charlie jumped, looking at Tao, Tao gave him a concerned looked, followed by everyone else, including a late hand placing itself on Charlie's shoulder, belonging to Nick. Charlie nodded,
"I'll be fine. I'm just... Not to used to this yet!" Charlie said, his voice shaky and sweat forming on his forehead. Tao looked even more worried,
"Okay Charlie, but you know you don't have to do this. The school is fine with you leaving at any time if this is too much for you. You can come back to the school later, when your ready." Tao said, not taking his eyes of Charlie. His friends nodded along with what Tao was saying.

Charlie nodded,
"I promise, if I can't stay then I will go to reception, but I just want to try. Plus, I have you guys, so I should be fine right?" Charlie said, smiling awkwardly, a hint of fear in his voice. Tao chuckled softly, his eyes almost sad looking, but not the normal look of pity that Charlie would normally get,
"Okay, well then I guess let's go in, bye Tara, Darcy, Elle<3, see you all after school." Tao waved the three goodbye, and they all wished Charlie good luck, before crossing the road.

Now it was just the four of them, Charlie, Nick, Tao and Isaac, ready to go?

And just like that, they started walking in, not another thought in their heads, it was just another school day to them, with the special highlight being the return of their friend. But they still just walked in, not realising the pain this cause Charlie, how much harder it was for him.

Nick stood in the middle of the school gate, people giving him glares and pushing past him,
"Come on Charlie, you can do it." Nick held his hand out to Charlie, a warm smile on his face. Charlie gave him a fearful look,
"Charlie, I know you can do this, just follow me." Nick walked up to Charlie and took his hand, gently pulling him towards the gates.

Charlie took a deep breath, why was he acting like this, he would be fine, he would be fine.

He kept his gaze only on Nick as they walked into the school, people stopped when they saw Charlie, a limp still in his leg, but he didn't dare to look at anyone. People whispered, people were in shock, and they all parted for Nick and Charlie. Nick didn't like this, he could sense how tense Charlie was getting, so he shouted,
"Hey, could you all please fuck off, we're just trying to get to bloody form, it's not something you don't see every day." Nick scared off people with his deep angered voice, especially since people knew about how kind he usually was.

They stepped into form and once again, the room went silent, Nick quickly tried to rush Charlie to his seat, Charlie quickly following him and desperately not wanting to be standing anymore. But of course, his form tutor had to say something,
"Charlie Spring! It's so great to see you again, so happy to have you back here, school wasn't the same while you were gone. Glad to see you up and running." He said, a smile on his face, forcing Charlie to look up at him. Charlie smiled nervously, trying to make it clear to his teacher that he was uncomfortable, but to no avail.

Charlie politely and quickly made small talk with him staying that he was also happy to be back and see his friends again. After that awkward conversation, the class for once being completely silent and watching him, he got to sit down.

After that, it all seemed like a blur of panic, constant eyes on him, whispering, wether it was about him or not, it didn't help that he kept hearing his name all throughout his form. The only thing that stopped him from having a full on panic attack was the warmth of Nick's hand on his, telling him that he was there to keep him safe.

His next lessons went similarly, passing by in a confusing swirl of colours and panic, sympathetic looks from teachers and students, always a welcome back from his teachers, being watched the whole time as they spoke to eachother. Luckily for him, he had all of these first lessons with Nick, which meant that Nick could constantly check in on Charlie and make sure he was okay.

And after all of that, break finally rolled around, he got to see Tao and Isaac again, hopefully forget the gazes upon him for a while and focus just on the people who liked him, finally.

And then he walked over to their usual bench with Nick, finally chatting with him, though silent and still followed by constantly looking around him at others who were watching him.

And then he saw the rugby field, and suddenly felt the crushing weight of flooding memory's making there way into his brain, panic pushing itself against his lungs, making him collapse instantly at the flashes of sudden horror.

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