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A whole week of school had passed by, it actually went by much quicker than usual, for him at least. And now it was the morning of Saturday and Charlie slumped out of bed once more, running a hand through his own hair. From the moment he woke up he felt bored, which while it happened he never just felt it randomly when he woke up.

He then realised that he just missed Nick! Whenever he felt bored or out of it Nick would always come over and they would hang out until Nick made sure his spirit was fully lifted. So he decided that he would invite Nick over, he grabbed his phone, turning it on to message the other boy.

'Huh? That's odd, who's texting me?' He looked at his phone in confusion, two messages from ~Nick~ and Unknown Number. He looked at Nick's message first, he never really checked messages from unknown people, he was always paranoid about that stuff. He smiled slightly at Nick's daily message,
'Morning Charlie! Hope you slept well❤️❤️❤️' It read.

Charlie responded,
'Slept very well❤️❤️❤️
Hey I'm feeling bored, could you come over if that's okay?' He messaged. He quickly got a response from Nick agreeing to it, another thing he lived about him, he would always answer straight away, no matter what.

-Meanwhile at Nick's-

Meanwhile Nick was already up, he woke up early in the mornings in general, he was really a morning person. He was drinking some tea watching a gameshow with his mom when he got the message, he rolled his eyes and chuckled, Charlie was bored, when was he not. He would always message him and ask him to come over, he obviously didn't mind, any chance to see that adorable face. Still, he found it so cute that Charlie was bored and needed him.

His mom noticed the change in his facial expressions,
"What are you looking at dear?" She asked, leaning over his shoulder. Nick chuckled and blushed,
"Charlie just asked if I could come over to his, is that okay?" He asked. His mother smirked at him and rolled her eyes,
"I guess... You to have fun okay?" She said, pretending to check her watch as if they had something planned. Nick thanked his mother, standing up from the couch and going straight to his front door, already dressed in semi-presentable clothes. He put his sneakers on and said goodbye to his mom, kissing her on the cheek,
'Be there in a moment Char.' He replied, stepping out of his front door and shutting it before Nellie could get out.

-Back to Charlie-

Charlie smiled and quickly stood out of bed, swinging a large light blue sweater over his head and some random shorts crumpled up in his wardrobe. He then heard his phone vibrate from his bed once more, making him turn around back to his phone. He just expected it to be Nick again, but was confused to have another message from the Unknown Number, he hesitantly opened it, only to be shocked as to who it was from,
'Hey fag, how stour morning been, hope it's been shit.'
'Just me and the gang wanted to text you, see how a gay loser like you was doing.' Charlie instantly knew this was Ben, he had probably gotten another number to contact him on, just to do that.

But it was to late, Ben saw he had read the messages, soon his phone was buzzing with notifications,
'Don't ignore me Charlie, I know you miss me.
Your going to regret this.
Answer me Charlie.
FUCKING ANSWER ME FAGGOT IT ISN'T THAT HARD.' But before he could say anything else Charlie pressed the block button, quickly shutting the other boy up.

Charlie took a deep breath, it was fine, just Ben being a dick, it was fine, he shouldn't let it get to him. He just had to stay calm and breath, he would not have a panic attack over a boy as useless as Ben.

Luckily he was saved by a knock to the door, Nick was here! He ran downstairs to the door and opened it, revealing a kind and familiar face looking cak at him. Charlie was so relieved to see him, he hugged him tight, Nick gave him an almost worried expression as he threw himself at him,
"You good Char'? He asked, hugging the smaller boy back. Charlie breathed again,
"Great, just a bit of a stressful morning." He replied, burying his face in Nick's shoulder. Nick smiled comfortingly,
"Hopefully not to stressful, just remember to breath anyway." Nick said, pulling away from Charlie.

Charlie nodded a d smiled back at Nick, he was so lucky to have someone like him in his life. Charlie grabbed Nick by the wrist, dragging him upstairs,
"Ready to be beat in Mario kart?" He asked, giving him a smug look. Nick rolled his eyes,
"It's not fair! You have to be cheating!!" He said, pouting as he was dragged into the room.

Charlie set up the Mario kart game and heard his phone go off again, and then again, Nick looked at Charlie's phone,
"Are you going to get that?" He asked, Charlie smiled and shook his head,
"It's not important don't worry, now come on let's play!" He quickly changed the subject, making Nick look at him suspiciously, he ignored it for now, but still kept it at the back of his mind.

While they played his phone went off again and again, vibrating every few minutes. Charlie tried desperately to ignore it, he laughed and tried to joke and be loud with Nick, just anything to focus his attention on anything but the vibrating.

Nick paused the game, Charlie looked at him confused,
"What did you do that for? I was on a role!" He said, pointing to the screen. Nick gave him a stern look, the phone vibrating again.
"What's going on? Why won't you check your phone." He asked, trying to pick Charlie's phone up. Charlie snatched his phone and placed it on his lap,
"No reason! I just really wanna play!" He laughed, Nick saw directly through it, anyone could've.

Nick shook his head,
"Charlie... We talked about hiding things, what's going on?" He asked it again, trying to get the phone off him,
"It's nothing! Just some messages!" He said, trying to claw onto the phone. Nick struggled against Charlie's grip but was able to take the phone off him. He stood up and Charlie tried to stop him,
"No! It's fine! Nick!" He shouted, but Nick was much taller, he opened his phone, his eyes widening in worry and rage.

Notifications from all sorts of Humber's were coming up, none other then the number of his ex friends, which he recognised. Ben, Harry and many others were sending horrible things to him, shouting gay slurs and insults at him, many death threats and other stuff. Nick clicked on the numbers, tracing all of the messages quickly, blocking all the numbers and deleting them.

Charlie stopped struggling, just sitting on his bed silently. Nick placed the phone down, walking over to Charlie,
"Charlie... Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, sitting beside Charlie and placing a hand on his lap. Charlie shook his head,
"I don't know, it started this morning, I'd didn't know what to do." He looked away from Nick, hugging himself.

Nick sighed, he pulled Charlie's chin to face him, Charlie was crying, Nick sighed,
"No... Don't cry over them... They are not worth it. Come here." Nick pulled Charlie into a hug, lying down onto Charlie's bed, holding him close to him. Charlie sniffed and looked up at Nick, Nick smiled at him softly,
"Now listen to me. Tell me if they do something like this, because I care about you. You know that. And I won't hesitate to break every one of them. Because I love you, and you need to remember that." Nick said, placing a soft kiss and Charlie's lips.

Charlie blushed and smiled sadly,
"I know that." He said, snuggling close to Nick,
"Know we are not going to think about those dicks anymore okay, just stay here with me." Nick said, in a soft and calming voice. Charlie chuckled slightly,
"That sounds nice." He replied, getting comfortable in Nick's arms.

After a few moments Charlie fell asleep in Nick's arms, hugging him. Nick blushed, he vowed that he would do whatever he could to protect this little ball of cuteness he was holding. Whatever it took, no matter what, no harm would come to this boy he lived so much.

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