Agreements between frenemies

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Nick tossed and turned in his bed, he was frustrated and didn't know what to do. School happened to be tommorow and he couldn't wait to see Charlie again, couldn't wait to see his adorable smile. He had been thinking about what had happened at the park for a whole day now and didn't know what he could do. Whatever it was he just had to make sure of one thing, that Charlie was safe.

Nick turned to face his bedside table, he then sat up with a sigh, he wasn't going to get much sleep if he kept worrying about this, he just needed to find something to block all the worry for a while. Then, it hit him.

He knew exactly who would know what to do.

So for the very first time, literally ever, he went into his Instagram and clicked on the profile of Tao, his fingers hovered over the message button, what would he text? He took a deep breath, this was for Charlie after all,
'Hey, Tao, It's Nick Nelson. I need you help.
It's about Charlie.'
Nick texted, he hoped Tao happened to still be awake, and happened to text him back. He never really understood why Tao hated him as much as he did, maybe it was just because he was protective over Charlie, he never really knew.

He quickly got a response though,
'What have you done to him!?' He could sense the anger through the message, so he quickly replied,
'I haven't done anything I promise. I'm just really worried about him.' He sent the message quickly and there was a pause, before Tao sent,
'Why?' Nick didn't know where he should begin, or how much he should elaborate, it's weird how one word can cause such a deep though, he decided to begin from the park incident,
'Harry, Ben and his mates have been sending things to Charlie, like threats. And the other day they swarmed him at the park.'

Nick didn't really know how else to put it, it was a simple explanation, Nick knew that Tao would probably ask for more detail later, but right now Charlie was his only focus,
'Fuck. Well what do you want me to do about it?' Tao asked, confused. What did Nick want him to do about it? I mean there wasn't much he could do.
'Well I've been trying to keep him away from them and trying to stop him from panicking. But I can tell he's panicking a lot about it. I just want him to be happy, stop worrying about it even for just a little while.' Sure, he wanted to do something about it, but if he did it might only panic Charlie more, so he would have to figure something about, as much as he hated to say it... Behind his back.

'Okay? So we just aren't going to solve the problem.' Tao messaged, god why did they always have to be on a different page, it would make it much easier if they saw the situation from the same angle, but, they were in different spots of the relationship,
'I want to do something, but I want to make sure Charlie's happy. Right now that is the priority. We can figure something out afterwards, once we make sure he is okay.' Nick stated, trying to explain what he wanted to happen without seeming controlling over Charlie, he didn't want to control what his mods was. He just wanted to see him smile.

'Okay, I think for once I know what you mean, like what do you think we should do though?' Nick raised his eyebrows, okay, maybe he and Tao could actually work something out together,
'I was hoping you'd help me with that part, do you know any places where he's always been happy?' Nick hadn't known Charlie that long, he was hoping Tao and him had special hang out places or something that would help them,
'Easy. Happiest I've ever seen him is whenever we go down to the woods. It's this really nice place, has vines and large trees and a river with our very own bridge. We made it ourselves. When we were younger we would always try to explore the area.'

Bingo, that sounded like the perfect place for them to go, maybe bringing back happy childhood memories would calm Charlie down for a while.
'Perfect. And we could bring Elle and Aled, maybe even Tara and darcy.' All of Charlie's truest friends, and closest, they were a little chaotic pack.
'Yes! He'd love that, and that would definitely take his mind of it for a good while, then we can figure out something.' Woh, we? Damn Nick never thought Tao would refer to both of them working, together? Maybe this was a step forward for the two.

'Thanks for you help Tao, can you tell the others about it, I'm thinking Tuesday after school?' They had a date planned and a good enough plan, this could be a blast.
'I'll tell them, Tuesday sounds fine. Hold on, are we actually getting along? Agreeing even?' Tao was just as weirded out as Nick was, really showed just how odd their friendship was, if you could even call it that.
'I guess we are, Charlie will be happy to hear that.' Charlie was always trying to make the two get along, but with such different personalities, it was hard,
'Lol, he would. But no prob mate, this hang out is probably gonna be good for everyone to be honest.' It would actually, the weeks are always stressful, and with the end of term coming soon, it was just a lot of exams and stress. This would be a good breather for everyone.

'Yeah, it sounds like it'll be great. Thanks for your help mate, see you at school.' Nick slipped in a 'mate' as he knew it was something Tao took notice of, it almost agitated him,
'Don't bring your gross crisps. But I guess it was no problem helping you, your not that terrible sometimes.' Well that was good enough for Nick, and it was also way more than he was expecting anyway,
'Aw thanks mate, have a good night.' Nick pretended to be flattered,
'Cheers Nick.' Tao messages and went offline.

Nick placed his phone back down on his bedside with a small clack. He lay back down on his bed and sighed, now he could sleep peacefully knowing that he had at least some sort of plan, knowing that someway, somehow. He was going to help Charlie out, and maybe even with the help of a new friend? Okay maybe friend was a little to far, but there certainly wasn't hate there.

Whatever happened, this was for Charlie, he had to be safe, he loved him to much for anything to happen to him.

(Aw cute heartstopper ending. Don't we love the boys and Nick's adorable love for Charlie? Can't wait to right more, it gets crazier from next chapter. NOW LET ME GOD DAMN SLEEP, HAVE A GOOD NIGHT)

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