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(Okay! Here's the next chapter for you all since you asked for it. Now I need to go revise heavily for my exams, enjoy!)

Nick yawned, it was early Sunday morning, well, so he thought, he suddenly realised that he hadn't heard his alarm go off, (Yes Nick has an alarm for the weekends) this immediately confused him, so he tried to sit up to see if he had just forgot to set it.

Suddenly he realised that there was something on him, laying down on his chest, he looked down, assuming to see Nellie. Instead there was the adorable little body of Charlie laid down on his chest, hair a complete mess. He blushed heavily, realising he had slept the night over at Nick's house and his mom was probably worried. He then noticed the blanket over them, had Charlie's mom come in the night and seen them?!

He sat himself in a comfortable position, careful not to wake up Charlie, and grabbing his phone of the side of Charlie's bedside. He had three missed messages from his mother,
'Everything okay darling? Are you coming home?
Darling? Are you staying over at Charlie's?
Sleep tight darling'
Nick smiled and replied to his mother,
'Oops! Sorry mum, I fell asleep and didn't see your messages! Yes I'm good. I'll be back around mid-day! That's if Charlie ever wakes up 😅' He sent to his mother, looking down at Charlie and running a hand through his hair.

Charlie groaned, moving slightly, taking Nick's hand and pulling it down so that he was cuddling Nick's hand. Nick blushed even harder, feeling the smaller boys arms wrap around him. He turned his attention back to the phone hearing a notification, still as red as a strawberry.
'Its fine hon! Be back when you want to! Hope you had fun at Charlie's😉' Nick's eyes widened,
'MOM!!! It's not like we did anything!' He texted back, surprised by his . mom's answer, and embarrassed,
'So your telling me there isn't a reason why you can't come over right now and that you need to wait for Charlie to wake up? I'm not an idiot to love darling. He's asleep on you isn't he?' Nick was extremely surprised and almost suspicious of how his .other was able to figure that out,
'Jesus mom! Do you have camera's on me or something?' He chuckled silently, his mom was always really good at picking small details out to figure out things.
'Oh just have fun! Be back for lunch.' Nick replied and agreed with his mother, placing his phone back down.

Charlie turned himself slightly and groaned once more, Nick just looked at the other boy who was sleeping so peacefully, he was really so adorable. He had such a comfortable expression, and he just looked so cosy snuggled up with his arm.

Charlie yawned, letting go of Nick and stretching, almost punching Nick in the face, Nick dodged and chuckled silently. Charlie heard and opened his eyes wide, realising he was on the older boy. His face went red and he quickly sat up,
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Nick! Your mom must be worried, sorry I kept you here!" He apologized profusely, like he always does, making Nick roll his eyes,
"No, I wanted to stay here anyway. And stop saying the S word!!!" He said, sternly. Charlie stopped and smiled awkwardly, he wanted to say sorry, but was shushed by Nick, who blushed softly and leaned in towards him, placing a soft kiss on his lips. Charlie leaned into the kiss, being a little taken aback at first from the sudden action,
"Well good morning to you to then~" Nick said as they pulled away, both staring into eachother's eyes.

They stayed like that for a while before Charlie moved,
"Oh my god! My hairs probably a mess! I'm just going to go do my hair and brush my teeth, you can leave if you want." Charlie said, moving along the bed and getting of, steadying himself. Nick shook his head,
"And why would I want to do that? Plus you mum makes the best breakfast!" Nick said in excitement, it was true, Charlie's mom was great at cooking,
"In it for the food then huh?" Charlie said, smirking at him. Nick rolled his eyes,
"Go brush your teeth, boy I love." He made sure to add that last bit just so he could see that adorable flustered look on Charlie's face as he went into the bathroom to 'freshen up'.

Nick sighed happily, getting out of the bed himself. His clothes which he had slept in were a little bit of a mess, but he could change when he got home. His hair didn't really mess up during the night so it wasn't that much of a problem. But he didn't care about his appearance anyway so brushing his hair didn't seem that important.

He walked towards Charles bedroom door, noticing the glint of Charlie's phone which he left on the side of the TV after... Yesterday.

He eyed it in worry, he knew it was wrong to look at people's personal belongings without permission, on in the short term, snooping. But he just wanted to make sure Charlie was safe, and that he wasn't worrying about dicks like Harry and Ben. So he took the phone of the stand on opened it, already knowing his password because, well he was his boyfriend. He noticed the 37 notifications on his phone and immediately checked all of them.

Unfortunately, as he assumed, many more numbers were created and many more cruel people had texted him, calling him slurs and insulting him, and these were not insults to joke about. He also had five missed calls, all from different numbers, and they were from only about ten minutes ago. Nick blocked and deleted all of the numbers quickly, not wanting Charlie to see. But someone must have been waiting for that, because only seconds later he got a call from another number.

Nick very hesitantly picked it up, unsure if he should confront this. But no, he had to, as Charlie's boyfriend if was his job to protect him of all danger, at all costs,
Nick: Who is this?
Ben: Where's Charlie? We need to speak to him.
Well you aren't going to, not on my watch.
Oh really? I'm so scared.
Why do you keep contacting Charlie?
You know what, I think I'll just have you send a message to him for me, is that okay?
Answer me, who are you and what do you want.
Relax, I just want to tell Charlie something.
And what might that be?
That he's not safe. We are coming for him one way or another.

The person hung up, leaving Nick in shock and rage. He tried to call the number again and again, but got blocked. He was so angry, but also confused, what did they mean by that? Was that Ben's voice he heard? What would they do to him if they got a hold of him?

He suddenly heard the door open. He put the phone down and saw Charlie come out of the bathroom, smiling softly. Nick smiled awkwardly, placing his hands to his sides. Charlie raised his eyebrow,
"You good Nick? I think I heard you on the phone with someone, everything okay?" He asked his boyfriend, eyeing him suspiciously. Nick nodded,
"Oh yeah... Everything's great! Don't worry about it it was just an odd wrong number." He said, trying to play it off as the truth, even thought he felt terrible for lying to Charlie.

Charlie was suspicious, but didn't think much of it, just believing it, why would Charlie have a reason to lit to him anyway? Suddenly he felt a pair of arms wrap around him, Nick hugged him tight, holding him close. Charlie hugged back, unsure of what was happening,
"This is random babe but. No matter what happens, can you just promise to stay by my side?" Nick asked, shutting his eyes right. Charlie nodded,
"Of course, wouldn't be happier to." He replied, burying his head in Nick's neck. Nick smiled sadly, no matter what, he had to protect him, no matter what, Charlie had to be safe, he couldn't ever let anything happen to him.

He had to protect him.

At all costs.

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