Allegiance List & Warnings

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AU takes place in the lake territory but a long time in the future.

Things will be wrong (e.g., the ceremonies' wordings are different -own versions but same premises- and little things like that)



Leader: Dropstar: he is a light silver tom with green eyes, he is playful and caring.

Deputy: Dacestripe: she is a dappled ginger she-cat with dark green eyes, she is calm and competitive.

Medicine Cat:

Tallshade: he is a stubby black tom with grey-green eyes, he is serious and gentle.


Meadowshine: she is a white and ginger calico with blue eyes. She is sweet and quiet.

Hollowtail: he is a light grey with darker spotted markings and blue eyes. He is playful and light-hearted.  Apprentice: Apricotpaw

Eelstripe: he is marron with amber eyes. He is gentle and open-minded.

Grassfur: she is a ginger and brown tabby with blue eyes. She is realistic and determined.

Dayshine: he is a brown tabby with yellow eyes. He is carefree and creative.

Splashclaw: she is a Bengal she-cat with green eyes. She is patient and loyal.

Carpfin: he is a ginger tom with amber eyes. He is stern and caring.  Apprentice: Nutpaw

Icewing: she is a light ginger she-cat with grey eyes. She is excitable and sweet.

Sliverwhisker: he is a black tom with hazel eyes. He is imaginative and confident.

Thymeclaw: he is a black and white tom with green eyes. He is calm and collect.

Alpineleaf: he is a brown tabby with blue eyes. He is outgoing and light-hearted.


Apricotpaw: she is a dark beige and blue-coloured eyes. She is curious and friendly.

Nutpaw: he is a pale almond coloured tom with green eyes. He is proud and forward.


Rosecloud: she is a beige she-cat with dark blue eyes. She is sweet and stubborn.

Echotail: she is a silver she-cat with darker stripes and green eyes. She is thoughtful and warm-hearted.


Rosecloud and Eelstripes' Litter - 6 moons old:

Cinnamonkit: she is beige with darker spots with two orange wing-shapes on the shoulders. She is lively but stubborn.

Ivykit: she is a small, pure dark chestnut brown, deep brown eyes. She is caring but stern.


Softnose: dark grey tabby with white patches and green eyes. She is kind and creative.

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