Chapter 4: 'Questions'

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I awoke with start. 'Where am I?'  I look around and swiftly recall the events of yesterday. 'Oh the Medicine den.' I plop down with a thud.

"So you're awake, everyone was asking about you at sun-high, I told the to back off seeing as you were still sleeping." I turn my head to look at the voice to see Ivypaw sitting next to the moss I was lying on, a small fish was next to her paws.

"What is that?" I say recoiling away, it stank.

" A minnow! I thought you would be hungry so I brought you  something from the fresh-kill pile." She replies "Might you like something like a Water Shrew?" she asks

"What the hell is a Water Shrew!"

"like a mouse."

I nod, who wants a fish!

"Okay but beware! Dropstar will be dropping by later." she walks away chuckling at her own joke, I roll my eyes and start to prune myself back to a presentable standard only to find a massive patch of cobwebs on my flank. I stop just in to prevent my tongue  making contact with the sticky mass. Ivypaw walks in with a small black  body hanging from her jaws.

"Here." she drops it in front of my muzzle, goes, picks up the minnow and curls up in nest next to me.

"Soooo... When can I get out of here?" I ask, she looks at me like I just told her, her tail was on her nose.

"uh.... I think Dropstar wants to talk to you like I said earlier, and Tallshade.... Tallshade won't let you go before you're healed." she explains

"Fine!" I sigh, "Well then since I'm stuck here I might as well learn something. Who's Tallshade to you?" I ask being nosey

"He's my mentor.... Teacher, he's going to teach me everything  about healing!" she looked at me "So once you're 6 months old you move out the nursery and you get a mentor, most kits become a warrior they hunt and fight for their clan, then if you're lucky there's a chance of being deputy and then leader like Dropstar and all leaders have 9 lives and them and med cats can contact Starclan, there's five clans around the lake, there's the stuck up Thunderclan on the other side of the lake, then the Peaceful Skyclan next to them, then the rabbit-eaters, Windclan, on the other side of Thunderclan, you're in Riverclan.... and if you're a kittypet you probably came from Shadowclan who's always been hostile." I sat there gawking at the information

"And medicine cats are support to stay out of clan feuds." a deep-ish voice comes from a Tabby now standing at the entrance. "Ivypaw, Tallshade needs you... Echotail is complaining." He looked at the apprentice

"Oh, No! It might be the kits!" she shoots out the moss and skids out the entrance leaving me.... alone... with this stranger

"So. which direction did you come from?" he sits in front of me and goes straight to point

"Ummm.... I don't know but Ivypaw said I came from Shadowclan..." I said

"Ok... Easy! Their next to us so as soon as Tallshade gives clearance for you to leave I'll get some warriors to escort you off the territory." he exclaims

"NO!" 'I shout I'm not going back now!' "I...I can find my own way back." I say recovering from my out burst

"I don't like strangers hanging around my territory unsupervised but seeing as it's going home and you're not a clan cat nor rouge so I'll let it slide." he says nodding "I'll leave you to rest, hope you enjoyed that shrew." he nodded toward the half eaten shrew in front of me and left.

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