Chapter 5: Walk and Talk

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"Tallshade!" Ivypaw shouted as she skidded to halt in the nursery only to find a singular cat lying in her nest

"Ivypaw? What are you doing here?" Echotail raised her head looking puzzled at the sudden intrusion of the den

"Where's Tallshade? What...?" Ivypaw looked at her mother's closest friend confused she didn't look in pain, the pregnant she-cat got up and moved toward the young cat

"Are you okay dear?"

"Dropstar said I was needed here..." a chuckle rose from the older cat

"Sounds like he wanted to get you out the den, eager bever." Ivypaw dips her head questioningly before realising that she had been in the Medicine den since sun-high,

"Have you seen the territory yet?" the question came sudden

"Yeah, Tallshade took me out with the dawn patrol." Ivypaw looks at her as if she was confused with the sudden question

"Then would you like to see if your friend's free and the three of us can go on walk, how does that sound?" she asks with wistfulness


Ivypaw dashes off to see her leader exiting the den she slowed down to allow him to pass then trotted into the den.

Sapphire was lying down staring at the remains of a shrew, her glossed gaze cleared when she raised her head to look at Ivypaw... It was weird the cat... although older cats even by a day had always made her feel anxious, Ivypaw made her feel safe something she hadn't  felt since kit-hood. 

"You left me!... meanie." She said dignified

"Sorry, it was just Dropstar mucking about, he's one of the youngest leaders ever, he was an awesome apprentice meaning a moon after being made a warrior, which he became quickly, he got an apprentice, after; he became deputy – no-one opposed him, as far as I remember, and Weedstar joined Starclan two moons ago so... he's like what... thirteen moons older than us and-" Ivypaw was interrupted by a cough coming from the injured cat

"You ramble often?" she stands up to face the black looking cat

"Cinna... Cinnam... C...i...nmama?...i..mon..." she gives up after a couple more attempts to say 'Cinnamon' "my sister, calls it rating – I get it from Eelstripe, my father... we both get side-tracked easily...sorry!" Sapphire lets out a purr of amusement

"Did you want to tell me something?" she asked picking up on the fact that the cat wouldn't come here without a reason

"yeah! Do you want to go walk with me and Echotail?" Ivypaw tilts her head questioningly

"Sure... Am I allo-" she was interrupted by a shout of excitement and Ivypaw practically shoving her out the entrance

Once outside, the tension in Sapphire's shoulders vanished every thing was bigger and more relaxing and Echotail turns out to be really gentle and genially caring, and Ivypaw seemed happy near her. The conversations we full of clan life, Sapphire realised that these cats were was so sophisticated they could be towlegs, but they didn't seem to like them.

"Echotail?" Ivypaw asked, the queen whisked her tail in response both cats anticipated the question

"Is it possible for a K...Kittypet to become a warrior?"


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