Chapter 3: Heal

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(I changed the tense to past for Ivypaw)

Ivypaw sprinted on ahead of Tallshade 'He probably won't allow me to actually treat her wound, but I can get the herbs ready!' she thought and dashed into the store. Ivypaw got to work quickly, setting out each type of herb Tallshade was going to need, poppy seeds, comfrey root, juniper berries, and marigold (all herbs metioned are found via the Warrior Wiki).

"Lie down here, and I'll fix you up." Tallshade instructed, the young cat stood there defiant for a few moments then shrugged and laid down on the moss indicated by the Medicine Cat. Sapphire's eyes watched the black cat scan over the herbs on the floor,
"You forgot something!" he calls into the darkness, once Sapphire strained her eyes she could see that Ivypaw was moving hurriedly in the darkness, but the effort of straining was wasted when the apprentice came into the dim light.

"Nope, I didn't! But we do need more cobwebs." The small cat hobbled with cobwebs wrapped around one paw

"Great you can do that later. Now you," he snaped around to Sapphire and placed 2 small black seeds just in front the pale tabby's muzzle "eat." The word comes out as blunt; aggravating the young cat, Ivypaw saw this and another emotion -something Tallshade missed- in the kittypet's eyes, fear that gave to refusal.

"Please, it'll stop the pain." Ivypaw mew came in a whisper, after coming up quietly behind the injured cat

"You're trying to kill me!" Sapphire's shrilled as she mistook the words said to her. Behind Tallshade chuckled and after an explanation, the she-cat reluctantly ate the seed.

It didn't take long until the cat hissed again when a dressing about to be place on her injury (she cleaned it without complaint)

"That is not going on my fur." Each word was stretched as she tried to make the others understand simple standards.

"Then get an infection."

Sapphire took a moment to decide the options and took no infection over infection. She was given another poppy seed to make her drift off to sleep after everything was done.

"Can I come in?" a voice comes from outside

"Yep, we're tiding up!" Tallshade replied as Ivypaw just looked at him like a kid asking if their friend can come over.

"Soo... Is everything ok? I heard what happened." An older she-cat walked into the den

"Everything's fine Softnose, it's all been sorted, thank you for caring though." Tallshade replies to the question with care, confusing Ivypaw who knew the tom as cold – but a voice in the back of her minded recalled that this cat was Tallshade's mother and only family member left.

The mother and son left Ivypaw to herself and the sleeping cat. It wasn't long before she fell asleep herself.


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