Chapter 2: Kittypet? Don't call me that!

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All I wanted to do was go into the forest and catch a mouse or two. Only because I'm getting a bit bored of my kittypet food that my house folks give to me. I was chasing a mouse, but it led me deeper and deeper into the forest. Further and further away from my home. Then this cat, a wild one perhaps, came out of nowhere and attacked me. "Who are you?" He asks me. I can almost hear the anger lacing his voice. 'What have I done?' Nothing as far as I'm aware. I push him off me, and he swipes at my flank, cutting it. I can almost feel the blood mixing in with my fur. I hiss at him, and he does the same to me. The more wild cat's come out of the trees. I and quickly turn and scramble away, afraid because I know I'm outnumbered. They pursue me all the way to a path, but as soon as I cross it, they stop following me. I don't take any chances, so I keep running.

I don't know how long I run but when I reach some bushes, I slow down. I push through them hoping for some shelter, but I trip over my paws, and I roll over into a sandy clearing. I stop rolling with a thud. I look up and see oh so many cats looking back at me. They all made no movement towards me but one she-cat, about my age, does. She has a pure dark chestnut pelt. She sprints over to me.

"Are you okay?" She asks me. I'm about to answer her but another cat moves catching my attention. A light yellow (with brown spots) she-cat. Again, about my age.
"Ivypaw! What are you doing?" She asks the she-cat that came over to me. "That's a kittypet. Can't you see the collar around her neck." Kittypet? What's that? Anyway, there's nothing wrong with my collar. It's not gonna hurt them or anything.

Ivypaw scrambles a few paces back."But, but she's hurt Cinna-monpaw," She says. She struggles to say 'Cinnamonpaw'. What kind of name is that anyway?
"Still," Cinnamonpaw scoffs. I decide to but in at this moment.

"You, Cinnamonpaw, what was it you called me? Oh, right a kittypet. You had no right to call me such name," I mew.
Cinnamonpaw looks taken back."But it's what you are, a cat that lives with twolegs," She finally mews. Twolegs? Does she mean my house folk? Then another cat comes over. I sit up straight because I had been in an uncomfortable position and my flank was starting to hurt a lot.
"Enough you two. Who are you anyway?" He says the first part to the two she-cats but asks the question to me.
"I'm Sapphire, not that you need to know, as your little...what do you call them? 'Tribe' seem to not like me because I have a collar around my neck. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go back to my home." I mew, standing up. I turn to leave but I hear a mew.
"Wait, stop." I turn back around.
"What do you want now?" I ask.
"Let our medicine cat heal you and then you can be on your way," The cat from before says.
"Hmmmmm how," I say.
"Please Sapphire if you don't do anything for that cut it could get infected," Ivypaw pleads me.
"Fine, you heal it then I'm outta here. Got that?" I ask. She nods. A black tom comes up to me.
"I'm Tallshade, the medicine cat. Come on I'll show to my den," He says. He flicks his tail, beckoning for me to follow.

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