Chapter 10: Gathering - Part One

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"And how exactly did you think that would be wise?" Ivypaw shook her head as she finished up dressing Carpfin's paw,

"It's cold, we're all getting hungry, and with leaf bare creeping up on us, I thought it was worth the risk." His deep voice responded, she in held back a purr as Tallshade Started to lecture him "And you think wasting our herb supply is any better?" He let out a sigh as the warrior turned away, ashamed "no patrol for you for... two?" He paused, "Two days, but as soon as you feel the slightest bit of pain you inform me." He dismissed the beige tom.

"Well done Ivypaw, it's only half a moon and you already know how to take care of a patient, except..." The Older Tom's gaze trailed out the den, his words causing panic to flood through her body, what have I forgotten? Is it important? Oh no! "You forgot to check if Dacestripe and Dropstar knew how Carpfin hurt himself, they need to know so they can inform the clan." Ivypaw's paw eyes widened in fright, but something clicked, determination and fright filtered into her voice: "Tallshade, I don't want to sound rude! But you've never informed Dacestripe and Dropstar, it's always been the patrol that have brought the injured back that tell them. But I could be wrong!"

The brown tom chuckled as he nodded his head. "Correct, I have never told a leader how a warrior has hurt themselves, unless they ask. No need to panic, Sliverwhisker was the one to inform him." A sigh of relief escaped Ivypaw's muzzle. "On a different note, it's the full moon tonight, and I see no reason you must not, so you are coming. Now go eat and get some rest. Just because it's not a long journey doesn't mean it won't be a long night." He dipped his head to the entrance. The apprentice shone with excitement as she bounded out the entrance.

As Ivypaw sat down with a trout. She started at it, seemingly contemplating what she was doing. Rustling came from the camp entrance, and she tilted her head away from the meal to see which cats had returned to Riverclan's home. The fawn face of Splashclaw appeared followed but a crestfallen Silverpaw. "Hey Silverpaw, come over 'ere!" Ivypaw's shout reached the she-cat at the far side of camp. Silverpaw excepted the invitation and did so. "Yeah?"

"Now, I know you didn't like the idea of trying minnow but then you most definitely liked it so... could you share this trout with me? It too large of a fish for one cat." the two blue eyes brightened up at the idea of food.

"I would love that, thanks."


"Come walk with me." Tallshade mewed as the clan started to head off, it was loud, with Cinnamonpaw and Silverpaw squealing constantly; Apricotpaw and Nutpaw bickering over who caught the most for their hunting assessment; Dacestripe was arguing with Dropstar over Echotail staying in camp, with all this going on, Ivypaw gladly took up her mentor's 'offer', she walked with him – beside the two elders.

"Cats have no idea of quiet, nowadays." A greying tom grumbled, "Listen here Ivypaw: back when I was an apprentice you were silent, to the gathering, during the gathering, after the gathering, then asleep until your mentor came to collect you." The obvious lie was cut down by Softnose:

"So, you complaining about; the rain, the cold, the wind, the river, all the way there and back is silence to you?" A chuckle escaped the apprentice's muzzle as the two bickered about the event.

Soon, they were crossing the slippery tree-bridge, a kerfuffle up head slowed the clan long enough for a voice behind to interrupt Ivypaw's inadequate attempts to see what had happened:

"Hello, Tallshade." A happy voice spoke.

"Darkpelt, Greetings." Tallshade nodded his head, more shouts came from the bridge.

"Any idea what the delay is?" the small she-cat asked, Tallshade shook his head. A taller she-cat startled Ivypaw, as she came out the shadows, cats trooped behind her as pungent smell of Shadowclan filled the air; "The incompetent cat who can't walk in a straight line is gone now, and the line's moving."

It was weird walking across the tree, the rumbling of the river underneath, the slippery moss under her paws, Ivypaw found it terrifying, What if I fall? No, just keep your eyes on Softnose, you'll be fine... walk, in, a, straight, line... jump, ow. A pain shot through each knee as her paws landed on the smooth pebbles. She shook her head and carried on following the elders after Tallshade had jumped down, Darkpelt followed, starting up idle chatter with Ivypaw's mentor, now that she thought about it the two looked very similar, as though someone had taken Tallshade, dulled his fur and allowed his eyes to age into a soft amber colour.

"What's the matter Ivypaw?" Softnose's mew inquired as she slowed to down to match the wander apprentice.

"Tallshade and Darkpelt look similar, and they get along really well." The statement made the old queen chuckle, "No-one told you?" Ivypaw shook her head, "Darkpelt is his sister – just after their warrior ceremony, Darkpelt decided that she preferred living in Shadowclan, that she had become friends with the -then-Buzzardflight and she had told her all about the wonderful ways of Shadowclan. Darkpelt decided that that life was for her – it was a bit strange the way she did it so quietly no cat complained, she followed the rules, and has made quite a name for herself even to the point of being deputy." Ivypaw's eyes widened in admiration Darkpelt had left her home in Riverclan – her whole family behind, and now had climbed to being deputy, that's really impressive! She was unsure why this information had missed her ears, but it did give a little sense to her previous questions.

"Hey! Ivypaw! Come over here!" Cinnamonpaw's voice bounded over to her sister. The four apprentices were gathered near the entrance Cinnamonpaw slowly trotting away from the group to meet her sister. "Nutpaw and Apricotpaw are going to introduce us to some other apprentices – you coming?" Ivypaw nodded. Once she manged to sit down next to a chattery Cinnamonpaw and Apricotpaw, Ivypaw took in the scenery around them. Across from her was a grand tree that seemed to stretch up to Silverpelt, below was the Thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, Howlpaw looking fairly embarrassed as Starlingberry chattered to a calico. Next to them Tallshade and Darkpelt had continued their conversation – Tinyfur now joining in. Closer to her, Ivypaw could hear her father's laugh as he and some Windclan members swapped stories, though he did take a glance to the Riverclan apprentices. Next to her Cinnamonpaw gulped.

"Everything ok Cin'?" Ivypaw asked her sister, the spotted she-cat was hanging her head in shame as the group continued to convers; "Yeah, I just know what they're talking about. The night Silverpaw decided to stay, she also ran almost on to the Windclan moors – I stopped her but not before running into those two, Dawnpool and Dovetail." Ivypaw let out a small 'oh'.

"Hey! Adderpaw, over here!" Nutpaw called out to a brown tom, who then ran over beckoning two tabbies – one with lighter markings on top of darker fur, another with darker markings on top of lighter fur.

"Hey!" he exclaimed when he reached them. "Oh right! This is Mistpaw and Echopaw our new apprentices." He introduced the two she-cats.

"Hi, I'm-" Silverpaw was cut off as the brown and white she-cat from before (Now Ivypaw recognised as Buzzardstar) who had assumed a seat up on the tree called out for the gathering to begin. "Ivypaw – follow me." Smallear had appeared next to the chestnut apprentice, she did as instructed and followed him to a spot under the great branches of the tree, where the other medicine cats had gathered.

"I'll start, shall I?" The Buzzardstar said look at the others who where scattered on the branches with her – Dropstar among them. "Shadowclan is full of life! We have two new apprentices! Echopaw and Mistpaw have been apprenticed to Twistclaw and Sycamorefrost." Buzzardstar purred, she finished her announcement with a news of a badger being chased off. Ivypaw looked up to see who was speaking next, a calico tom made passing comment how prey was running in Thunderclan... which was good. Movement by the opening of the clearing caught the dark eyes of Ivypaw. The beige face of Icewing appeared as she made a dash around the many cats over to the group of healers. Tallshade greeted her with a confused nod in a low voice he asked: "Is everything alright?"

The young she-cat shook her head – trying to catch her breath with a big gulp she spoke in a gasping voice;

"Something's wrong with Echotail!" 

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