Chapter 7: Sapphire

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Long chapter, and emotional/backstories!!!!


Nutpaw had entered the den boasting about his hunting assessment and how he'll pass without a doubt, the story telling mainly involved me and Apricotpaw eyeroll each other before he started talking about an incident with The Kittypet which snatched Apricotpaw's attention quickly, so I just decided to curl up and sleep.

It wasn't long before I heard Ivypaw shout goodnight and dash back to her den making me chuckle at my sister's trademark skittish and sweet actions. But then I heard paw steps outside the den, they were quiet and careful, making them suspicious then The Kittypet's stench swamped my sense, 'what in Starclan's name is she doing,' I got up looking for the closest escape, (being only me, and the two litter-mates, Apricotpaw and Nutpaw, we all decided to put our nests close to each other at the back, making it warm but hard to move without waking up one another) a space open between the two littermates as they rolled over to the other sides of their nests, I took the chance while it was there and silently padded out the reed-woven den, only to see a silver tail whisk through the entrance, I waited a couple beats before following suit.

The Kittypet obviously had no idea where she was going apart from she knew which direction she was heading – opposite her home. Even from where I was I could hear her cussing and mumbling to herself as she walked down to the lake – from here she kept a straight-line walking past the island and almost directly into Windclan territory. The boarder scent-line came at me with the smell of the moor's residents,

"Get a move on Dawnpool! I want to get back to camp before today's sunrise!" a voice came echoing through the night, The Kittypet panicked and broke into a run still moving forward, 'Fish-brain' I ran at her pouncing onto her back and pushing her down , she let out a startled yelp

"What was that?" a second voice came

"Shut it Kittypet, I'm helping you!" I quietly snarled into her left ear earning a nod.

I leap-frogged over her and made my way to the boarder trying to look as apologetic as I could,

"Sorry! That was me, I thought I'd go for a walk and there was this pothole and because it was so dark and my eyes were wondering," Starclan help me, I feel like Ivypaw! "I fell."

I used what Rosecloud called my 'kitten voice' (I used to use it as a kitten when I wanted something or I was in trouble – in this scenario it was both; I wanted the two Windclan cats to believe me as, if they didn't, I would be in massive trouble)

I looked up at the older cats to see a smug lean looking pair of she-cats staring back at me. One of them let out a snort telling me she thought I was an idiot; after they both turned away and I padded back to The kittypet.

"Get up and tell me why you were leaving without permission and going in the complete opposite direction to Shadowclan; where you're allegedly from." I said with just enough authority to get her looking frightened, she sat up and looked me in the eyes

"I don't have to tell anything to you or anyone!" a unquavering voice came from The Kittypet's mouth, but as a loyal warrior (apprentice) I would interrogate this she-cat until she speaks. It took a while of intense eye contact as The Kittypet obviously calculated her chances of outrunning me. Evidently the tense silence was broken when she dipped her head and a small voice spoke up

"Can I..." she looked me in my eyes "Can I trust you?"

"Trust me with..." I prompted

"To not tell anyone!"

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