Chapter 16: Sunshine and Daisies

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Ivypaw had woken up late; the half-moon gathering had taken a lot out of her – mainly gossiping with Howlpaw, it'd been a couple moons and the two had started to become friends, once the tension of being strangers was broken.

Currently she sat, watching as cat milled around, was there stuff to being doing?  Yes, but Ivypaw figured tic-removal could wait until the elders were back from their walk.  For now, though, she would sit in the shade of her parent's empty den, sheltered from the heat of the Greenleaf sun, her dark pelt almost hiding her from curious eyes, Ironic.  Her eyes flicked towards where Dacestripe was sat with her kits, she flicked her tail with curiosity as Nuttooth stormed away, finding a patrol to join.  Ivypaw watched as Dacestripe and Apricotfrost shared concerned glances and finished their conversation in a hushed tone.  She continued to watch as Apricotfrost eventually left, joining a patrol with Rosecloud, Hollowtail and Alpineleaf, leaving her mother on her own.  Ivypaw returned her gaze to Dacestripe, only to jump back when Tallshade's green eyes met hers.

"Tallshade!" she squeaked, jumping up.

Her mentor raised his head, looking down with an unamused expression, "That's my name, Echotail's going out with Eelstripe – you can go watch the kits." He stated, "Don't diddle-dally." Ivypaw nodded, padding across to the Nursery, the kits were older now, more adventurous;  Echotail's litter was the same age as she'd been when Ivypaw first left camp.  Ivypaw shook her head, refusing to fall into her brain's fox trap of memories.  These kits were happy and alive, and she'd make sure it'd stay that way.

"Hello?" she mewed, poking her head into the den, Echotail stood with her kits at her paws – serious expressions plastered on their faces; Ivypaw bit back a giggle as she spotted Lightningkit getting frustrated as Roughkit and Toughkit tried to make him break the face.  

Mosskit heard her first, "Ivypaw!" and like that, Echotail's trance over them was broken.  The black kit rushed forward, tackling Ivypaw's legs.

"Hey Mosskit!"  she greeted, lifting the leg that he'd wrapped his paws around, a routine that was common between the two – although Ivypaw didn't yet have the heart to tell him he was getting too big and heavy for it.  He laughed, falling to his back on the soft sand floor.  The other barrelled over, quick to getting to playing now Mother wasn't holding them hostage.

"Thank you Ivypaw,"  Echotail said, stepping over Pebblekit as he tumbled with Roughkit.  "Dropstar said he'll pop in soon to help you."  She watched as they organised a 'battle', "They may not seem it, but they're a pawful and a half."

"I don't doubt it for a heartbeat." Ivypaw nodded to where Toughkit and Pebblekit where now hiding behind a wall of moss, "If it's alright with you, I'll take them out of the Nursey when the camp's cleared out."  Echotail agreed, saying her goodbyes as Eelstripe's head poked into the den. 

Ivypaw padded over to where Amberkit was organising an attack on 'WindClan', "Can I be of service?" she asked, crouching down, laughing as she heard Lightningkit exclaim in annoyance when he saw. 

"Yes, you'll be needed Ivypelt." Amberkit stated, easily coming up with the name.

"Ivypelt?  That's a bit plain.  What about Ivyfeather, that's better; right Roughwhisker?" Mosskit said,

"Indeed, you agree Amberstar?" Roughkit nodded to the other kit.

Amberkit's tail twitched with annoyance, "Alright, Mossecho has a point, Ivyfeather, you'll join us in attacking Lightningstar and his clan of Rabbit-Chasers."

"Are you aware of the territory Ivyfeather?" Roughkit asked, pointing to an all-too familiar map on the ground.

"Aware?  I drew the original layout, expect Maw's Dip – that was Bluekit, oh and Sinking Ferns, Nuttooth insisted on that bit!" she exclaimed,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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