Chapter 13: Changing Names

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Silverpaw's PoV

A few days later

"Let all cats old enough to swim meet here, under the Great Rock!" Dropstar's voice resonating through the camp awoke me. I hear Cinnamonpaw groan from nearby as she rolls onto her side in the faint light.

"Bloody sent me on night patrol only to wake me up before Sunrise? What a mouse-brained leader Weedstar gifted us with," She murmurs. I shook my head laughing slightly at the comment. A breeze entered the den, making me shiver as I got out of my nest.

"Well we better go see what our precious 'mouse-brained' leader wants," I sigh, moving out of the den, acutely aware of the fact that it was just me and Cinnamonpaw. I poked my head outside to see cats gathering in front of the rock. I spotted Hollowtail talking excitedly to Dacestripe while Carpfin, now fully healed, talked with Rosecloud about something. I walked into the early morning sun, feeling the leaf-fall breeze more now that I was out of my nest. A rustle brought my attention to where Echotail was emerging from the nursery, looking tired. I saw a warrior I knew as Alpineleaf, approach Nutpaw - who was excitedly talking to his sister.

"Are you gonna MOVE!" Cinnamonpaw wailed, prodding my flank.

"Nah - rather stay here for the rest of the day."

"Fish-brain," She hissed at me playfully. I move out of the entrance.

"What's going on?" I ask, dodging an Elder before watching her disappear into the nursery. Of course, the kits opened their eyes yesterday. I curse Splashclaw for not letting me visit them yet, despite the fact Echotail insisted I should. I'll ask again later, hopefully there won't be that many things to do.

"Warrior Ceremony - has to be - Nutpaw only looks that smug when something good is happening to him, something about him, or just to do with him," She snorts. "Apricotpaw looks happy to though," She adds in a softer tone.

"What is a .... 'Warrior Ceremony'?" I ask, following Cinnamonpaw through the camp.

"Splashclaw falling behind on your clan culture?" She mused. I just silently nodded my head.

"She's an amazing mentor .... for training," I say, faking joyfulness. We walk past the fresh-kill pile, and I feel my stomach complain.

"Well for about four to six moons you're an Apprentice, then you're promoted to a warrior," She says.

"Obviously," I say. She gives me a burning look.

"Anyway. It's very similar to the Apprentice one. It's all well and all - but we will have ours mid-leaf-bare," She remarks, stopping by where other cats were sitting.

"Why is that a bad thing?" I ask, watching a leaf flutter to the camp floor.

"There will barely be any prey for the hunting assessment; the ground will be frozen solid when we fall; we'll still be on apprentice duty as Echotail's kits will still be too young; and our vigil will be in the freezing cold!" She states.

"First of all, fun. Second of all, 'Vigil' what kind of excessive ritual is that?" I snort.

"It's not excessive. The newest warriors spend their first night as a warrior on night watch - protecting their clan in silence, and we have each other. Some cats have to do it alone. It's also performed when someone dies - super important!" She screeches only to be shunned by Thymeclaw poking his head between us, glaring at us. We looked at each other stifling our laughter. "It'll still be cold as ice though," Cinnamonpaw whispers, before turning away and looking at the front of the crowd.

"Sounds like hell on earth honestly," I reply. She gives me a weird look before looking away again. I decide to focus on what's actually happening and start paying attention. The beige siblings stand side by side in front of Dropstar, as the clan starts to settle down. Dacestripe stood by the medicine cats, tale held high as she watched them with pride. Movement caught my eye and spotted Hollowtail sit down next to Eelstripe, sharing a look over the latter's head with Rosecloud.

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