Ch 3: Captured

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The Mission Cruiser sped through the streets of Barkingburg and towards the castle. The vehicle drove up the road leading to the castle and stopped once it got there. The doors opened and the team ran out. The Earl and the Princess were waiting beside the doors with Henry and Elizabeth, the royal kitties, with no sign of Sweetie.

"Welcome PAW Patrol." the Earl said.

"Yes, thank goodness you're here." the Princess added, "Please help us find our missing artifacts."

"We will." Ryder said, "Can you tell us what was stolen?"

"Of course." the Earl replied, "Harry Soarin, the royal sorcerer, said that several powerful spell books were stolen from his bookshelf. Apparently, they were about the Scepter of Immortality and contained powerful spells."

"That doesn't sound good." Rubble said.

"It sure does." Ryder replied, "What was stolen from the museum?"

"A statue from about 500 years ago." the Princess replied, "It's called the Statue of Mordon. It was created by one of the sorcerers at the time, Mordon. It's supposedly magic, but no one really knows. And several ceremonial objects were stolen as well."

"What about the shops in town that were broken into?" Rocky asked.

"Strangely enough, they were spice shops." the Earl replied, "Several rare and exotic spices and materials were stolen."

"Hmm. That is pretty strange." Ryder said. He thought for a minute before thinking. "Rubble, Skye, Zuma, stay here and look for clues. Chase, Rocky, Marshall, come with me. We're gonna check out the museum and shops."

"On it Ryder!" Rubble, Skye, and Zuma exclaimed as they headed off to do their jobs.

"The rest of you, get your vehicles and come with me." Ryder said.

Chase, Marshall, and Rocky headed in the Mission Cruiser and got their vehicles. Ryder took his folded up skateboard off his back, and it folded out. The four then headed down to the museum, completely unaware that several pairs of eyes were watching them from the hills.

"Perfect, they're heading to the museum." the female voice said.

"Good." a devious male voice said, "Now let's just hope they don't suspect anything."

Ryder, Chase, Marshall, and Rocky arrived at the museum and headed inside. They went to the area which displayed the history of Barkingburg. Several of the display cases looked like they had been broken into. They went over to the one that contained the Statue of Mordon.

"Chase, can you try to get the thief's scent?" Ryder asked.

"Chase is on the case." the German Shepherd replied.

Chase began sniffing around the display cases, and as he did, he began sneezing.

"Chase you ok?" Marshall asked.

"Yeah, it's kitten..ACHOO... allergies." Chase said rubbing his nose.

"Kittens?" Ryder, Marshall, and Rocky said.

Ryder thought for minute before speaking. "Rocky, use your Radar Scanner to see if there's any hidden entrance."

"Green means go. Ruff, Radar Scanner." Rocky said as his Radar Scanner popped out of the pup pack.

As the three looked for more clues, Ryder called Skye, Zuma, and Rubble to see if they found anything.

"Pups, found anything at the castle?" the 10 year old asked.

"No." Skye replied.

"Sorry dude." Zuma said.

"Nothing." Rubble added.

"Can you three come down to the museum?" Ryder asked.

"Sure thing." the three replied.

After a few minutes of searching, Rocky's scanner found something beneath a statue of King Benjamin, the king during the time the Canine Knights were Barkingburg's service team.

"Ryder, I found what looks a trapdoor beneath that statue." Rocky said.

"Great work Rocky." Ryder complemented. Just then, Rubble, Skye, and Zuma rushes in to help their teammates.

"Just in time pups. We found a trapdoor beneath that statue." Ryder said.

"Uh Ryder?" Chase said looking through his spy goggles, "I've not only picked up at least six pairs of kitten paw prints, but also human footprints."

"Six kittens? Human footprints? You don't think Mayor Humdinger and the Kitty Katastrophe Crew are involved in this?" Rubble asked.

"Most likely." Ryder replied, "But first, we need to see where this trapdoor leads."

The team then pushed the statue of King Benjamin and revealed a hidden door. Ryder opened it to reveal a tunnel leading possibly into the basement.

"Alright pups, we should go down one at a time." Ryder said.

And with that, the team went down one at a time. At the bottom, they discovered that they weren't in the basement of the museum, but rather a tunnel that ran for miles and miles.

"Whoa dude, this is totally weird." Zuma said.

"Looks like we're in one of the tunnels." Ryder said looking at a map on his wristwatch, "The map shows that these tunnels run all over Barkingburg."

"Which means they could've gone anywhere." Skye said.

"Hold on, I'm picking up their scent." Chase said sniffing the the ground, "Ruff, ruff, flashlight."

A flashlight popped out of Chase's pup pack, and the team went deeper into the tunnel. As they walked, they couldn't shake off the eerie, nagging feeling that they had.

"Guys, I don't know about you, but I've got a bad feeling about this." Marshall said.

"Me too." Rubble said.

"Me three dude." Zuma added.

"It feels like we shouldn't be here." Rocky said.

"I know pups, but we gotta keep going." Ryder said despite being overwhelmed with worry.

After walking a little ways more, the team came to a stop in front of a brick wall.

"The trail ends here." Chase said.

"I'm pretty sure there's a secret passage behind this door." Skye said.

"Agreed." Ryder said, "Rocky?"

"On it Ryder." Rocky said as he barked, his scanner popping out again. The gray Mixed Breed looked through his goggles and saw a passage behind the wall.

"There's definitely a passage behind this wall." Rocky said.

"What's this?" Zuma asked as he came across a strange looking stone. His paw pushed down on it, and the wall opened, revealing a passageway.

Chase sniffed the ground again, "This way." he said as his pack mates followed behind. They soon came to another wall, which was in fact another door. The door opened to reveal a stone room with a wooden door.

"Where are we?" Marshall asked.

"My map says we're back in the castle." Ryder said.

"Uh, guys, something about this" Chase said. All of a sudden, the wall door shut, the wooden door locked, and a steel slat went over the window. Purple smoke then began pouring in.

"It's a trap!" Rocky yelled.

"Marshall, use your Hydro Launcher!" Ryder yelled, despite coughing heavily.

"Ruff, Hydro..." Marshall started before collapsing. As the smoke thickened, one by one, the team collapsed. After a minute, the smoke cleared, but the PAW Patrol was out cold. Two figures wearing masks then walked in to find the unconscious kid and pups.

"Nice job kid." the female voice said, "Maybe I misjudged your skills."

"Thanks. It's my specialty." the child-sounding voice said.

"Now, let's get this job done and get back to getting our revenge." Sweetie said as she and the other voice laughed maniacally.

To be continued...

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