Ch 13: A New Life of Good

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The white light continued to shine until it died down. Everyone was amazed and a little confused. Almuzar was still holding the scepter looking as shocked as the others were.

"What happened?" Rubble asked.

"Si, why do I feel so happy?" Tracker added.

"And why do I feel so good?" Almuzar asked, "I don't feel any evil."

"The scepter sensed your remorse, and as a result, it stripped the remaining darkness from your heart." Charles replied.

"Wow, I didn't know it could do that." Ryder said.

"Neither did I." Almuzar said, "And I've been with this thing for 200 years."

"Well, you're not the only one who's an expert in sorcery." Chance replied with a smile.

"Charles, Knights, I'm truly sorry for all I did to you. You didn't deserve it. You were only trying to help people, and I should've seen past my anger and let you help me." the reformed sorcerer said, "Can you all forgive me?"

"Of course we can." Blaze replied.

All of a sudden, there was aggravated scream. In the midst of everything, everyone forgot that Sweetie, the Humdingers, and the kittens were still there. Seeing that the PAW Patrol and their allies had turned their magical partner to the side of good angered them deeply.

"You meddling, pathetic PAW Patrol!" Sweetie yelled, her dark pink eyes darkening with rage.

The kittens were hissing violently with their fangs barred and their weapons ready.

"That's it!" Mayor Humdinger yelled, his gold eyes flaming, "You pathetic kids have interfered with my plans long enough! It's time you die!"

The mayor pulled out a gun and aimed it at the pups, who had looks of horror on their faces. Mayor Humdinger pulled the trigger, but before the bullets reached the group, Almuzar yelled 'Clipeum!' A white shield appeared and the bullets shattered against it. The mayor continued to shoot until the gun had no more bullets.

"Don't you dare hurt them." the sorcerer snarled, glaring at his former partners.

"You didn't think that was all, did you traitor?" Sweetie snorted.

"Oh Harold." Mayor Humdinger called.

Harold and his giant robot appeared. Harold cackled as a laser beam appeared out of the robot. Almuzar then yelled a spell, and the robot instantly shut off.

"What did you do?!" Harold yelled.

"That power source I supplied you with is magic based, meaning I can remove it if I want to." Almuzar replied.

Just then, Carlos, Sid, Arrby, Katie, and the citizens of Adventure Bay all rushed into the Lookout.

"Ryder, pups, you're ok!" Katie exclaimed.

"Tracker!" Carlos exclaimed happily as the Chihuahua rushed into his arms, Everest doing the same with Jake.

"What happened here?" Mayor Goodway asked. Her brown eyes then landed on Almuzar and a icy look entered her eyes, "So you must be Almuzar. How dare you take over our beloved town!"

"And kidnap Ryder and threaten to kill him." Alex snapped.

"And kidnap the pups to use them for a magic spell." Mr. Porter added.

"Stop!" Chase yelled, "He's good now."

"What?" everyone asked.

"Yeah, your heroes helped me see the error of my ways and helped redeem myself." Almuzar said with an awkward smile, "And I'm truly sorry for attacking your town. Can you all forgive me?"

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