Enkidu Servant Spotlight

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Yet another idea of mine. I'll do this for a lot of other servants don't worry!

These spotlights may contain spoilers, some more than others.

First we have Enkidu, who is one of my favorite servants and is one who (in my humble opinion) helps bring a lot of character diversity into the fate series.

You'll see why in a second but they're canonically non-binary. The game has a reason for this beyond just that's what they are-so hang tight.

Who are they?:

Enkidu is a heroic spirit from the legend of King Gilgamesh. Famous for being the king's only friend, they were created by the gods from clay.

Their original form is that of a huge monster. To allow the creature access to human cities, the gods sent down a harlot to help the monster learn what it meant to be human.

Thus, the monster took on a form similar to the harlot. However, it cannot be said with certainty that Enkidu is female. Nor can you say they are male. They are just Enkidu, Gilgamesh's friend (or more who knows 👀).

Either way, it didn't really matter what Enkidu would have setttled on as their gender. For them, they were always just a weapon. First they were a weapon for the gods to wield against king Gilgamesh, then they were a weapon fighting with king Gilgamesh against the gods.

Just before they died, Gilgamesh swore to never have another friend so the worth of Enkidu would be the greatest of all the treasures he possessed (and he possessed everything).

What are they like in fate?:

The servant Enkidu is extremely rare to roll, and if you do manage it, it would be on rate up.

You meet Enkidu in one of the singularities, little pockets of history that shouldn't exist and are eating at humanity's future. Specifically, the seventh one, which takes place in Babylonia.

This Enkidu is not really the Enkidu that Gilgamesh knew. This is an imposter.

So yeah, they're a bad guy.

What is an important part of their legend?:

Enkidu stood up against the gods with Gilgamesh when the goddess Ishtar proposed marriage to the demigod king.

Gilgamesh refused this offer, as he knew Ishtar really just wanted to be the person who "claimed" the king and wouldn't remain loyal to him.

(Basically, Gilgamesh was born 2/3 god and 1/3 human as a way for the gods to watch over humanity. A union with him and a god would ensure that this would continue for a long time to come.)

As a result, Ishtar complained to her father and sent down the bull of heaven as a punishment. Enkidu and Gilgamesh killed it together, but unfortunately Ishtar wasn't done.

She demanded that they be punished for their crime, and while Gilgamesh could refuse to obey the order, Enkidu was helpless against it and returned to the clay that they were created from.

It was after this that Gilgamesh went on his quest for immortality and eventually became a wise and respected ruler.

Who do I ship them with?:

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