Storyline of Nier Automata except its badly summarized

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Trust me when I say- there is more in store. I mean...dang. Yoko Taro did a fantastic job with developing this game. So I'll split this into separate parts: first, the main storyline. So you guys know what kind of situation the characters exist in. MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD. Are we good? Good.

Basic summary: After an alien invasion all but wiped out humanity, the survivors fled to the moon and developed Androids to fight in their stead. Also the earth's orbit is messed up so the sun doesn't ever set.

Also the song at the top is one of the many amazing OSTs contained within the game.


Ending A: a flower for m[A]chines

The game kicks off with 2B's monologue. The game kicks off with this very cheerful set of dialogue:

"Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse? Some kind of punishment? I often wonder about the God that blessed us with this cryptic puzzle...and wonder if we'll ever have the chance to kill him."

Right off the bat, it's just a subtle hint that this game has some heavy themes. So yeah, if you want a happy game, this ain't gonna be it.

  We then get some dialogue about your mission (destroy this goliath-class machine) and get control of our character.

  Does the game ease you into things? Absolutely not. A giant laser fires at your squadmates, and it is 100% possible to die in the prologue before you get to the mysterious goliath enemy. So you deal with your squad being shot down one by one.

   I'm gonna briefly skim the rest because the game has a lot of key quests and I need to get to those to keep this thing from splitting even more.

   What's the goliath? Literally part of the factory. Like, a whole section with giant excavator-ish hands that catch fire when it swings and it's a pain to deal with. Prologue ends with a giant BOOM!

   Jumping straight ahead to being on earth and in full control of 2B. This game is an open world, but before you go leaping off cliffs or something, the enemies are not created equal and you might be at level 6 facing several enemies at level 20 or higher. Besides, I can't get into all the details too soon!

   Anyway, the main story kind of takes a backburner as you do some fetch quests and whatnot, just miscellaneous things. For now, new players I'd just say go around and find as many transport boxes as you can. It makes traveling a million times easier and by using one for the first time you get a better image on your map! So for now run around and enjoy the scenery because the City Ruins are BEAUTIFUL!

   Eventually, you'll go to the desert and fight some machines, and there you'll hear the machines speak. What would you expect to hear from the enemy?





You end up chasing one bloke down and end up...yeah not sure how to describe it.

Machines imitating...*ahem* adult funtimes???

One of 'em's got a cradle.

Anyway, you destroy them cause that's weird and soon a weird goo develops and Adam is formed. You fight, naturally, and he learns very quickly, evolving during your confrontation.

Then he's stabbed and life is as good as it can be except eve is late to the party and he climbs out of Adam's stab wounds.

Also they're both naked but lack genitalia it's very weird this desert sequence is EXTREMELY WEIRD but hold on there's more. Always more huh?

Well the next major quest involves a machine who wants to be beautiful but does so by adorning herself with android corpses. One of the best OSTs of the game plays, you have to deal with the baddie, and in the end, you're good.

   You go outside and see a machine waving a white flag. This is a member of Pascal's village, where you find a place that is stress-free and very happy! Love this.

Peace doesn't last long because of course why would it last at all and you fight another goliath. That snowballs into realizing the aliens have been dead this whole time.

You fight adam and eve again, and your next stop is a forest kingdom!!! Where everyone is a palace guard and tries to kill you on sight.

Turns out their king is a baby, he gets killed, and you encounter the rogue unit A2 for the first time.

After a battle, she says this line which definitely bodes well;

"Command is the one that betrayed you."

After side quests, you're asked to escort and protect Blue Ridge Carrier II. It does not end well.

You have to fight the biggest baddie of the entire game. It's head? HUGE! You guys...and the boss fight takes so long. By the end, 9S fires missiles and goes WHEEEEEEEEEE, you as 2B must find him. If you're anything like me and got attached to him, you dropped all the side quests and became a lot more vicious.

  9S is found in the Copied City, you confront Adam who disconnects himself from the network so he can experience true death and kill him, taking 9S home.

  With 9S in the bunker 2B gets bored so she escorts pascal into a treaty meeting with a group of machines who are convinced that they'll become as gods if they die. Whole sequence was messed up, but I'll cover that later.

   Cutscene of Eve, who isn't doing well, and the resistance camp is under attack!

  "You'lll die...all of you are GOING TO DIE!" eve screams as he attacks. 2B says thanks for the offer but I'll pass and Eve goes away for now.

  Pascal's village gets attacked you go help.

  Then you have to fight eve because naturally.

"I know you two feel the same. That this utterly meaningless."


  He goes on and kicks this battle off by saying...

"As far as I'm concerned, my brother was everything. And now...EVERYTHING MUST DIE!"

Props to the voice actors, bless them.

  After a long battle, you beat eve and that's the end.

Of your first playthrough.

SIX HOURS LONG. but you're only at the tip.


Ending B: or not to [B]e

You play as 9S, it's the same story as before except different perspective and the enemies have names now.

Ending C: Meaningless [C]ode

Long story short, a massive assault carried out by YorHa literally blows up in their face when the bunker explodes, and 2B gets impaled afterwards. This time around, she's not coming back. So we need a new female protagonist!

Cue A2. Anyway everything really hits the fan here and nobody is happy.

  This route ends with you choosing A2 in the final boss fight and yup. Think you sacrifice yourself.

Ending D: chil[D]hood's End

Same as ending C except you choose 9S instead of A2, you are given the option to leave the earth behind.

Ending E: the [E]nd of YorHa

Your favorite androids get a new chance at life! The cost: you stepping away and saying goodbye.


It was extremely watered down and I'm sorry for that- I didn't want this getting too long. Again this just the beginning, and there is so much more to cover. I'll do chapters analyzing the characters, settings, themes, battles, and more.

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