I'm bored here some drabble

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I was bored and this was the result.

You're in this but not shipped with anyone.

Mostly good guy joey : )

The weather reports didn't give good news. What was to be a sprinkle ended up with hail, thunder, and lightning.

    From the look in Joey's eyes, he probably saw this as a chance for his workers to get more work done. But after a solid glare from yourself, he said nothing about the overtime. In fact, to your surprise, he actually began to drag the others away from their work.

   "These cartoon songs have a deadline, Drew!" Sammy snapped as Joey got him to leave for the employee-break room.

   "Oh, I know Mister Lawrence," was his answer. "But you cannot perform miracles without resting yourself."

   You were one of the first ones here, having been the one to convince Joey to not make everyone work overtime. Now you spoke up. "Welcome to the sleepover, Sammy. Choose a cot and go wherever you want."

   "We aren't children. The storm isn't that bad."

   Henry turned the radio back on, carefully choosing the right station.

  "-Now we turn to the weather. A flash flood warning has been issued to the following areas. It is recommended that citizens hunker down for the night and stay off the roads. We'll give updates as the storm continues. For now, stay safe!"

   You chuckled as you helped Shawn and Wally move the tables to the side to clear a space for cots to go.

   "Do you know why they said to stay off the road?" You asked. Wally shrugged.

  "So tha' ya don' get wet!" He said.

   You had to hand it to the janitor, that was not a bad answer in the slightest.

  "Not exactly. If there are only six inches of water on a road, it causes the tires to lose traction and the car will go out of control. More than that and you risk floating-and not the fun kind, either."

  "How do you learn all dat?" Shawn shook his head.

"My talent lies in mostly useless trivia facts," you answer.

  The room was now set up for a plethora of employees to stay for the night, although some of the others had to find a space within the Heavenly Toys department instead.
   When everyone was settled, you and Henry were in the breakroom along with Wally, Susie, Joey, Grant, Thomas, and Jack. Sammy, Norman, Wally, Allison, and Joey ended up in the toy department.

   The storm raging outside knocked off the power, so while some employees grumbled, Joey insisted it would be good for character development and reminded everyone that they would feel much better if they slept and didn't worry about the power for the time being.

  After a long day, it was expected that most, if not all of Joey's workers would pass out the moment they were comfortable.

   Well, at least two of them. You fell asleep fairly quickly, curled up on your cot. In the toys department, Sammy was one of the first to sleep despite how adamant he was that he wasn't tired at all.

  "Psst. Hey, Susie," Wally whispered across the room. "Are ya singin' over there?"

  The janitor got a pillow to the face before the voice actress got up to retrieve it. "No, why would I?" She hissed.

  "Someone in here was singin' a tune or somethin', but now I can' hear it!"

  Susie rolled her eyes and walked back to her spot. It had probably been a trick played by Wally to liven things up. He certainly was the type.

  ...Then she heard it. From somewhere in the room, someone was singing! But...she couldn't quite pick out the tune.

"London bridge is falling down...falling down.."

Her heart leaped to her throat and she backed against a wall. Not many things caused her alarm-not after the fiasco with Allison at least. But that was...otherworldly almost.

"London bridge is falling down...my fair lady."

   Was that coming from your cot? If so, were you aware of this? Despite her fear, and the dark, Susie crept closer to your place but nudged Wally so he'd go with her.

    Sure enough, the closer they got to you, the clearer your singing became. Nearby, Henry was sleeping peacefully, and they paused to think how he was comfortable sleeping so close to you. At this point, neither of them would get any sleep.

  Wally noticed movement in the other cots and pointed it out to Susie. Sure enough, the others in the room were all wide awake and creeped out by your song.

  "You guys can't sleep either?" Susie whispered, dragging her cot to the group.

  "I didn't know people could sing in their sleep!" Joey whispered. "Are you sure they're not possessed?"

   "Wow! Way ta discredit mah partner in crime!" Wally exclaimed, instantly receiving a chorus of "sh's!" so as to not disturb the only two people sleeping.

  Jack looked around and sighed. "So, what now?"

  Thomas, who'd been quiet thus far, pulled out a deck of cards. No words were spoken, but a game soon began among them.

  Meanwhile, in another department, the all-nighters didn't have to worry about a creepy song. Nope, the music director snored. Like a freight train crashing into a five-star hotel, and on top of it all he'd taken the most comfortable spot.

    Allison did her best to get some kind of sleep, with her head buried under a mountain of plushies, but it didn't work so well. The others gave up on sleep early on and decided instead to try painting Norman's and Sammy's faces as revenge.

   After a gruelingly slow night, the storm outside finally calmed down, and the power came back on soon after. Henry, Norman, Sammy, and yourself woke relatively refreshed but were confused as it became clear that you'd been the only ones to get any sort of sleep.

"From now on," Joey said through a yawn. "The four of you will sleep in a different room. That was an awful night."

   That was alright with Sammy if it meant he didn't need to wash a lopsided monocle off his face in the morning.

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