Something different

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I started planing out a story recently and I currently have at least something planned for it.

This chapter is a sneak peak into one of the chapters; I'll probably change it when I get to writing the chapter for real.

I'd just like to know if this story is something you'd be interesting in seeing.


   The first time I'd been in my father's court, the sheer size had amazed me. Now the walls were closing in.

   "I didn't attack the princess! I wasn't even there when it happened!"

    I couldn't help but flinch at the raised voice and the reminder of why I was here again. The bruises and bandages along my torso and limbs were enough of that.

  "Lady Raisel's testimony paints you as the best suspect."

   No. No! That wasn't what I'd said.

  " that true?" I couldn't look away from those eyes, pleading, desperate for an answer.

  "Lord Drystan, my daughter's testimony has been written for the record of the court. Should you be declared innocent, which you won't, you may see for yourself."

"The princess can't speak for herself?" He scoffed. "She's been my apprentice for five years, my Lordship. If I can't speak to her as the princess, let her speak to me as my apprentice."

  That had to work. Even despite my high status, the law stated that a master and their apprentice be allowed to speak despite social differences. Not even my father could get around that.

   "From this moment forth, members of the royal family are prohibited from entering into any sort of apprenticeship that does not aid the kingdom. She is no longer your apprentice."

  This was only because of this case. Only because now my father could justify his hatred towards Drystan.

   "The jury has come to a conclusion. The defendant has been charged with treason and assault of an heir to the throne. The punishment is exile."

   I tasted salt on my tongue and realized I'd been biting down enough to draw blood. Still, it was a better reaction than shrieking and throwing myself towards Drystan, as I so wanted to. Such an act would prove my inability to think clearly and run a kingdom.

  Drystan was dragged out of the courtroom, without sparing me so much as a glance. Did I really mean that little to him?

   "Come, sister. Father has asked that I escort you back to your chamber."

  Cadoc. Cadoc. Of course, with everything that had happened, he'd be more than aware of how much this pained me.

   "Thank you Lord Cadoc," I smiled gratefully, taking his arm as he escorted me out of the room.

     The halls outside of the courtroom were humming with activity, with a sentenced criminal I did not wish to think of. It would be too painful- and the emotional weakness would ruin any chances of me being named heir.

   Even after we had reached my rooms, Cadoc insisted on looking over my well-being. Perhaps it was a result of being recently attacked, but it was a welcome distraction from what I had just witnessed in the courtroom.

   "Let me know if you need anything. I know the ruling has upset you," he said, placing his arm on my shoulder. "If you want to practice alchemy, I won't stop you."

  He couldn't stop me. Still, it was nice to know he was an ally.

Okay this is definitely gonna be revamped to be better when I write the chapter for reals, when I wrote this it was just an exercise on what the characters would be like.

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