Part 15: Love?

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So I'm kind of stressed for no reason but enjoy this fan art and um yeah let's go.



6 P.M.

Akari P.O.V.



'Bored, bored, bored'

I sigh and stop spinning around in the rolly chair and glance over at where Aki is typing on the computer, going through the hard drive full of information from that building that looked like an abandoned prison but was actually a hideout for a illegal organization... 

'Yeah we have to figure out a shorter name for that building'

"What do you need I can feel you eyes boring into the side of my head." Aki says not looking away from the screen.

"Can we all that building found this information in Stargazer PG B1?" I ask

"What does that mean?" She asks, finally looking away from the computer to turn and face me.

"Stargazer PG B1 stand for Stargazer project, building 1" I explain returning to spinning in my seat while looking up at the ceiling.

"Yes that mostly makes sense but why PG instead of PJ?" She asks continuing to question my sound logic

I sigh dramatically and look away from the ceiling, planting my feat on the ground to stop myself from spinning "Because the J in project sounds like a G" I say in annoyance

"It really doesn't. Juh is a J sound Guh is a G sound it's not progect it's project" she says arching her eyebrow at me as if that was obvious.

I stick my tongue out at her knowing that I lost this argument "Fine we can call it Stargazer PJ B1 your majesty" I say sarcastically.

She glares at me playfully and rolls her eyes.

I turn back to the ceiling but don't start spinning this time "I wonder what Hiro and the other are doing right now." I say a lonely feeling creeping into my heart and I know it's homesickness.

"Well they're probably in the tree house waiting to go home or at their own homes but I can show you if you want" she says calmly

I whip back around to face her "You can let me see them?!" I ask excitedly 

"Just this once this isn't going to be a when ever you feel like it think, alright?" she says waiting for me to agree with her

I nod eagerly, I can't wait to see them I miss them all so fucking much it's painful. Aki takes a deep breath and cups her hands  in front of her [in between us] a glowing orb of soft white light forms in her hands about the size of a marble but after a few seconds it starts to gradually grow into the size of an orange. 

The orb of light stops growing in Aki's hands and Aki says in a loud and clear voice "Show me Akihiro Todoroki" 

I gasp as the orb starts to gain color and the glow fades until you can see the image of our brother in the tree house, sitting in a bean bag very clearly. Suddenly Fuji comes out of know where and lands on Hiro's lap. I smile at their interaction which I can't here but I can tell Hiro is trying to shove Fuji off his lap before the others come in to spare himself from the embarrassment and teasing that's no doubt gonna be coming from Eiji, eventually Hiro gives up and just lets Fuji cling to him but then the other enter the tree house along with Eiji and she clearly starts teasing them from the way Hiro's face heats up but then he says something and Fuji turns back to Hiro and rests his head on Hiro's shoulder but he looks kind of upset.

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