Part 89: Stress days, wiped away

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Well I feel better emotionally, but I am now sleep deprived, in pain, marginally stressed and my internal clock is malfunctioning because of my younger siblings and their need to wake me up every twenty minutes to fetch them a glass of water or talk to the monster under the bed about partying a bit quieter because they're suddenly incapable of doing that themselves.

And they dare not go to my twin because her seasonal depression has hit her so hard it seems like she could become one of our decorations at this point.


6: 32 A.M.

Akihiro P.O.V.

A hand presses to my back and I stir, the smell dirty wood floors assaulting my senses as I sit up groggily, peering around in the too bright dim early morning lights through slitted and cloudy eyes. 

My lips are covered in that thin, pasty white film and I scrub it off on the inside of my shirt as my brain lags with processing, as multiple signals cross it at once. My body thinks its morning, but the world looks like evening, my body isn't hungry, but the world says it's time to eat. And if it is morning I have to get ready for school.

I struggle to my feet mumbling around a hoarse voice that I have to get ready for school as my Dad stops me, his green hair finally coming into view. "Whoa, buddy, did you forget you're sick. You're not going to school today." 

'Oh, that's right,'

"Now, mind telling me what you're doing out here, and why there's a bunch of food missing from the fridge?" He asks, hands resting on my shoulders.

I search my recent memory, no matter how fuzzy it may be, and come out with nothing. The last thing I remember was lying down in front of my mirror and I clearly fell asleep, accidently. "I guess I got hungry and came out here to eat but couldn't make it back," I shrug weakly

He sighs and pats my back, "Alright, why don't you go back to bed and I'll refill your water and get you some cough drops?" He says and I nod covering my face with my hands, realizing I don't have a mask on anymore.

I shuffle back to my bedroom on wobbly legs and keel over into bed, pulling out my phone to text Kana, squinting at the bright glare from the screen as my lame fingers fumble over the keyboard, autocorrect save me now. 

'Hey, are memory spits normal when your sock?' I ask and send, shutting my eyes for a second while waiting for her response. I end up dosing off that much is clear by the way my eyes snap open and I gasp when my phone buzzes under my hand, where it lies on my chest. 

I push it to the side, and under the blanket as my dad comes it with my water and a plate of cheese and crackers for me to snack on before Papa can get up and prepare breakfast. He also places another bag of cough drops by my side and kisses me on my forehead before leaving. 

"Christ, learn to spell and yes. I can barely remember anything of the day before when I'm sick, except for the sheer boredom and the feeling of going stir crazy." She responds and I can just imagine her electric gold eyes glaring at her phone from under the blanket, her purple hair a rat's nest on top of her head with strands flying in her face as she tries to huff them out of the way. I'd laugh if I knew it wouldn't make my headache worse so instead I smile and nibble on a cracker "And wipe that stupid grin off your face, it's too early for you to be wondering about early onset dementia." 

I snort at that and quickly come to regret it as pain shoots me in the head, just fucking kill me now. I rake my hands through my sweaty, pale strawberry colored hair as my short nails scratch at my scalp and I groan. Untangle my fingers from my hair and pick up my phone again. Typing out a short 'Is ir normsl to falll asleeo one plave and wale up anothrt?'

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