Part 122: Checked Out

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Well I went to dance class this weekend after like two months of not going because I've been busy so I'm sore and one thing I don't need while I'm sore from stretching muscles that I haven't in what feels like years, is to fight my siblings on wearing bug spray because the mosquitos like to eat us alive.


3: 06 A.M.

Akira P.O.V.

We step through the portal tired and covered in mud because the last crime of the night we had to stop was some petty organized crime and one of the crooks had an earth manipulation quirk which meant we both got incased in mud and nearly suffocated, hooray.

Which means our clothes are going directly in the wash and I have a lot of scrubbing to do when it comes to the things that can't just be thrown into the washing machine, I'm already yawning at the long night I suspect I have a head of me.

The two of us make our way upstairs with Ari holding all the dirty items with her quirk and she helps me sort them and scrub off our shoes, masks, utility belts and weapons. "What are you doing?" I ask suddenly while in the middle of picking a few bits of crushed gravel from between the extending partitions of my staff.

"Helping," She responds with a simple shrug like she usually isn't in the kitchen shoving as much food into her face as possible before brushing her teeth and crashing in bed.

"Yeah, I know but you never do this, so why now?" I ask

"It's another small step, isn't it? Towards being equals and all, I'm still nowhere close to getting into all the tech and coding, inventing stuff you have going on, but I made a ceramic frog," She respond with a rueful smile and I just laugh.

"Yeah, but with your new pottery powers you can replace all the dishes we break," I respond

"Yeah, but you can do it far faster,"

"But not as creatively, though I do think you should cut back on the giant sunflower platters, we are never going to use those and we have no one to gift them to," I nudge her shoulder with mine and she winces.

"Whoops, guess I missed a bruise," She mumbles massaging the area with her palm for a moment before letting it go. "And besides, I can always break them and make them into something new, also do you think I should try making tulip patterned bowls next?"

"I don't think we need any more dishes unless a tornado randomly attacks our kitchen," I respond easily and she squints while nodding coming to some kind of conclusion in her head if the brief spark emanating from our mental connection is anything to go off of.

She's likely still going to make them and try to sell them or give them away or something similar, I'm not interested enough to care so long as she's careful not to let anything slip about herself, which is doubtful because she's become a famous and illusive artist to the public, and yet only her 'assistant' has been seen and that's by gallery staff not photographers or people from the press.

"You know with Angus around the probability of that happening has increased exponentially," She says pointing her scrubbing toothbrush at me.

"True, but you have to take in account the possible rate of success considering it's only allowed in the kitchen when both Bells and I are in there meaning whatever mischief it tries to come up with is often nipped in the bud before it can happen," I laugh turning back to the tedious task of dismantling a dart gun to clean all the dirt out of its crevices.

"I failed probability, so I have no clue what you're talking about," Ari mutter

"Probability is easy so long as you take proper notes,"

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