Part 114: My dread (of the existential variety)

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So my stomach really hurts and I couldn't finish school because I had to lie down and now I'm behind on my lessons. 


6: 47 A.M.

Kana P.O.V.

Turns out it's not the knock on the door that ends up waking me, it's my phone, which is on silent, meaning it should be silent, yet the insistent buzzing hums in my ears and I snatch it to see hundreds of messages, some from my friends, and parents, the rest from my brother, who shouldn't be awake. Nobody should.

I glare at the screen until it turns black and I sigh letting it drop back onto my stomach until it starts buzzing with a call, I let it ring out then get another text, before anyone else can call me I set all my calls to be forwarded to voice mail. 

Intending to go back to sleep for the few precious minutes I have left, I lay back down only for my hopes to be viciously dashed like my sandcastle that one summer at the beach, I'm thwarted by breakfast in bed, which I guess isn't terrible. 

It's fresh and piping hot from the souffle pancakes to the sausage Sora and I sit next to each other as we eat without a word, then get up and start getting ready. I don't have a change of clothes so Sora just makes them for me and I thank her and we get dressed.

Our phones say in the bedroom as we fix our hair, Sora helps braid the longer stands of my new hair cut into two braids, which I hate, and I curl the short bob and bangs. Surprisingly the jellyfish look does suit me.

I borrow some jewelry which I'm told to keep then we gather our bags and walk to the front door where we slip on our shoes, it's only once we're in the town car and on the way to school, with my bike loaded in the trunk, that Sora checks her phone which has also been buzzing, a bit less insistently though.

She frowns then glances at me "You didn't tell anyone you were staying over?" Sora asks and I shake my head.

"No, I guess I forgot because it was late," I sigh reaching down to pull out my own phone, tapping the 'clear all' option for my notifications. "They'll know where I was when we get to school, they can wait a few more minutes, but I will text my parents," I say and she nods waiting for me to type out the message.

As it turns out I was unable to find the painting, because it hasn't been put up yet, it's still in a private storage unit for all the art that is still waiting to be put up. I wouldn't call it a waste; Sora and I did manage to talk through some of our personal issues together and I cut my hair.

I send texts to both of my parents and shove my phone back in my bag as I scratch the back of my neck. "Is your haircut still itchy?" Sora asks and I shake my head.

"No, just- a bit uneasy, I didn't mean to forget to tell people where I was going, but I also didn't think it'd be a huge deal," I shrug and she nods.

"It's normal for friends and family to be worried when a person who doesn't usual stay out late doesn't come home for the entire night," She points out and I sigh "Especially when an argument just occurred," She adds and I groan

"Great. I'm a fuck up," I grumble tugging at the now shorted black strand of hair, Sora just laughs and nudges my arm as I pull my two braids over my shoulders "Hey, I forgot to ask, is this haircut even allowed?" 

Sora nods, "Yep, as long as it's nothing like a mohawk or rat tail, those kinds of extreme haircuts then it should be fine," 

I blow out a breath and run my fingers though the short, curled strands, startling at the sharp cut off, this is why I like cutting my own hair, I know what I've done to my hair and that way it isn't jarring when I mess with it.

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