Chapter 1

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She keeps looking at me with pure sadness at the fact I don't recall who she is. Her eyes are a piercing blue, and her hair is in a messy bun with small curls falling out. This girl holds a tissue in her hand and her mascara is running, so I figure I must mean something to her, but to me, she is just another face I don't recognize. My eyes move to the left from her and focus on my dad, the only one in this room I can identify.
"Michael." He breathes, a small smile escaping from his mouth.
"I'm so glad your okay." Slowly, my father comes over to my hospital bed and gives me a hug.
"What... Why doesn't he remember me?" The girl in the room says.
"Well, Michael here has what we call retrograde amnesia. He can remember family members and close friends that he has known from awhile. But the last five months of his life has been... Let's say... erased. He remembers nothing after an estimated five months ago." The doctors diagnosis even scares me. Five months? God, that's a lot of time. Finally, the assistants and doctors head out of the room, leaving just me, my dad and this strange, crying girl that looks about a year younger than me. My father fills me in on everything about us and things in general - today's date, my new school, my music career. Still, I can't help but feel like he's keeping something from me.
"Who is this?" I ask, pointing to the curly haired girl, now standing behind my father.
"Um... I'm Kate." She mumbles, stepping to the side a bit.
"More detail maybe? I can't remember anything about you."
"Well...You are my boyfriend. We started dating around four months ago. I remember when you first talked to me, I hated you. Little did I know I would later love you more than life itself." She gives a small laugh, trying to ease the awkward tension. I believe her, considering I can see the pain in her eyes at the fact I can't remember her. She's pretty, but not anything special.
"Um... Did we..." I ask, not caring that my father is in the room. Her cheeks grow bright red and she purses her red lips.
"Yeah... We did Michael." She gives a small laugh, not making eye contact with my father. Her eyes focus only on me, and it's as if she's trying to help me remember her, somehow, someway... But I just can't. We sit in silence for what seems like forever, until we hear a knock at the door, followed by a voice.
"Oi! It's a damn door. Just open it!" I immediately recognize the voice as Luke's.
"Hey idiots." I laugh as they walk through the doorway.
"Wow. Your bandaged up pretty bad mate. You okay?" Ash asks, sitting on my bed.
"Besides the fact that I have fucking amnesia and more cracked ribs then I can count, I'm just fantastic!"
"Dude! That could be an amazing song idea! I WISH THAT MIKE COULD WAKE UP WITH AMNESIA!" Luke yells at the top of his lungs.
"I hate you." I try and hold back a laugh.
"That's an okay idea I guess... But one problem yippy skippy." Ashton stops Luke from screaming random lyrics into the void, and they both make eye contact with each other, their smiles instantly fading.
"Oh." Sadness replaces Luke's wild eyes.
"What?" I ask, suddenly panicked.
"You didn't tell him?" Ash elbows the girl named Kate.
"No. And I wasn't going to."
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?" I yell. Everyone turns their attention to me, until Ashton suddenly speaks.
"It's Calum."
"What about him?" My heartbeat quickens as the words leave his mouth.
"He's... He's dead Michael." With those three words, it's as if I were a glass mirror and my heart shatters, cracking into a million tiny pieces.
"He can't. It's not possible." Tears begin to fall from my eyes, unable to face the fact.
"I'm so sorry, Michael."
"Please, just leave me alone to think. My best friend is fucking dead, and I can't even remember his death or his funeral. What I even said to him before he passed is gone from my memory. It's gone. All gone." I cry. All the memories, the dances, the high school experiences, even my supposed girlfriend standing in front of me. All of it wiped clean like a dry erase board. Everyone slowly files out of the room as my mind continues to race. He's gone. The boys and my father have already exited the room, leaving just Kate following them. She slowly looks back, and her eyes almost... Sparkle. She runs up to me quickly and gives me a kiss on the cheek, but I simply feel nothing. She is just another girl to me.

(A/N: I'm really excited about this book actually and I hope you guys enjoyed the first (short) chapter! I have some really good ideas for this and some devious plot twists.... Hehehe ;) okay but anyway I just wanted to say thank you for continuing to read! Please recommend this to some friends who might enjoy it and ily all<3 ~ Callie x)

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