Chapter 14

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I still remember the first time I saw him. He had deep jade eyes that looked straight through me. He had fluffy brown hair, crazily placed on his head. He had a Green Day tee on, which is now in the back of my closet. I remember his shy smile, and how he looked so delicate that day. That was before everything happened. We loved, we lived and we lied. Now, here I am, looking up at a pale ceiling, my vision distorted from all the tears and memories. I was never sure if he truly did love me, but now I know the truth. My heart seems to ache as I lay on my back, tissues surrounding my body. He never cared. I did everything for him, gave him everything even after Danny. I trusted him, something I had never done to anyone before.

My mind keeps replaying images of him and Penny, so the tears continue to fall. She knew. My mind is being pulled in so many different directions, I can't keep up. My anxiety attacks have already come back, my life more hopeless than ever.

It has been two months since I last spoke to Michael, or even saw him. I don't even know where he is anymore. Probably with Penny. Luke hasn't been much help, considering I'm a lost cause. These last few months have been fairly hazy, but as of now I'm living with Ash. He's nice company, and he always listens to me. I can tell his sadness comes back in waves, but he hides it for my sake. He doesn't make me do anything, and doesn't pressure me like Luke. I still remember when I last spoke with him a few weeks ago.

"Have some fun Kate! Quit being such a drag! Yeah Michael fucked up big time, but you don't need to mope about it for a month."

"Luke, you will never get it will you? I have been through so much with Michael. I have told you about Danny right?" He nods in agreement, half listening.

"Okay well you know how he made my life hell. I finally trust Michael and he does the same thing. You will never understand, cause all you do to girls is boost their self esteem for a night, then ditch them the next."

"Like you princess? Don't deny you love it." He smirks, which only makes me more agitated.

"Luke! What the hell? Can you be supportive of me for once?"

"I have for over a month. I'm done with Michael this, Michael that. Just go." The smirk fades as the anger comes out of him.

"You are kicking me out?"

"Bye princess." He sneers, holding the front door open.

"Fuck you Luke."

All I could remember was taking my stuff out of my room, and heading out to Ash's, the only place left. My parents pretty much abandoned me after I signed the deal to move in with Luke. My mom never answers my calls, and my dad is too drunk to bother. I still recall the first night at Ash's. He welcomed me in, and I told him everything. He was the first one ever to actually listen to me. I remember him saying, "We talk and help you out tomorrow. I'm to tired tonight, so lets call it a day." and swigging the bottle of scotch behind him. After a few more swigs, Ashton couldn't stop giggling, and neither could I. It was the first time I had laughed since I last saw Michael.

(Michael's POV)

I've been in this hospital for 48 days. The walls are white, the days are long and my mind is clouded with thoughts. Doctors come in and out daily to check my blood pressure and oxygen levels, which always annoys the shit out of me. I haven't seen Kate since that night, but I couldn't go a day without thinking about her. Penny I could care less about, and I try not to think about her, because that only ends up in hurting myself or something in this room. The doctors have decided to put me back into therapy here at the hospital, not only because my depression has come back, but they are trying to get me to remember things more than ever now. All I do is repeat the same things I know over and over again, no new things coming to my mind. The therapist doesn't speak, just takes notes. She mumbles something about bringing people in to help my memory, but I can't fully understand what she means by it.

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