New York Fashion Week

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Kaoru stood holding the handle of his carry on bag in one hand. His other hand gripped the glowing device. Where was the stupid gorilla? He growled. Kojiro, his lovely boyfriend, had texted him three hours ago telling him to pack a bag. Which then lead Kaoru to spend two hours trying to figure out what the idiot had planned, Kojiro just kept telling him he was running out of time. Kaoru loathed vacations that Kojiro planned, mainly since there was little actual planning involved.

His phone screen began to dim. His thumb was just about to tab it when it suddenly lit back up. "Almost there, are you even ready?" The text came.

"Stupid gorilla, I've been ready for five minutes." Kaoru huffed. He was about to text that when a car's headlights washed over him. He held up an arm to block his eyes. Kojiro hopped out of the passenger side.

"Hey, look at you, all ready!" Kojiro grinned he picked up the two bags at Kaoru's feet, leaning over them, he kissed the perfect nose.

"You're going to love this, I promise." Kojiro smirked. The trunk popped open and Kojiro took the bags to the back. He placed them inside, next to his. Kaoru brought the one he had been resting his hand on.

"Where are we going, Gorilla?" he asked tired and annoyed. He had, had a long day already. His plan had been to have a glass of wine while resting in a nice warm bubble bath. Then he had gotten the text.

"Trust me." Kojiro wrapped his meaty arm around Kaoru's waist. He pulled the slender body against his own. "You will love this." He kissed the side of his head. "You cane rest on the plane." He added reaching for the door to the cab.

"Why was your bags already in the trunk?" he asked.

"Because I packed them this morning before going to work." Kojiro smirked. They had bought their house a few years ago since both ran successful businesses. Kaoru pouted.

"You could have told me we were going somewhere then." He whined a little. Kojiro gently but firmly pushed him into the cab. Kaoru slid to the far side. His muscled boyfriend climbed in. He took Kaoru's hand.

"You know how much I love you." He raised the thin elegant artists fingers up to his plump lips. Kaoru tsked. He knew Kojiro loved him, but it was hard for him to admit it. He felt his warm breath on his cool fingers.

"Just this once, please, Kaoru, trust me." Kojiro whispered. "Look I put it in Carla and everything."

"You what?" Kaoru raised the delicate pinkish purple bracelet on his wrist. "Carla repeat plans for today?" He ordered.

"Vacation with Kojiro one week." She replied curtly. Kaoru looked over at the bright red eyes gazing at him so filled with love. He sighed.

"Fine." He laid his head on the muscled shoulder. "Carla, vacation itinerary?" he asked.

"Trust Kojiro." Came the robotic reply. Kaoru went to sit back up, but Kojiro held him in place.

"Just relax, Pinky." He purred. Kaoru smirked. Kojiro was an idiot. He was sure the stupid gorilla forgot like half of what Kaoru would have painstakingly planned out for any vacation, but this was what he loved so much about the man. He was often unpredictable. He closed his eyes.

The cab dropped them off to the airport. Kojiro wrestled the bags on to a cart. Taking Kaoru's hand he led them into the semi busy environment. It was late yet there were people all around. Kojiro strolled through, a huge smile on his face. Kaoru couldn't help but to stare at it. He was too happy. Kaoru knew things were not going to go as planned. He tried not to sigh.

They reached their departure gate. Kojiro checked in the bags that would have to be stored in the planes belly. He took their carry ons and walked Kaoru to the room where the first class passengers waited.

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