City of Love

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"You planned a trip?" Kojiro eyed the pink haired man across from him. He was making breakfast. Kaoru hugged his journal to his chest. His bright golden eyes danced mischievously. It was the slightly salty grin that had Kojiro concerned.

"Yes." Kaoru smirked at him. He was a few steps back from the counter. Kojiro was sure that was so he couldn't snatch the book. He placed his plate of omelet, bacon and hash browns on the counter.

"Where are we going? It is for both of us, or do you plan to go alone?" he asked a smirk of his own forming on his lips.

"Of course I'm taking my emotional support gorilla with me!" Kaoru huffed. He sat the book on the seat then placed his ass over it. Kojiro narrowed his eyes.

"Wait, why do you have a journal?" Kojiro asked. Kaoru shifted in his seat, he took a bite of the mouthwatering food.

"OOOhh, this is divine. You out did yourself, gorilla." He beamed around another bite.

"Where's Carla?" Kojiro pressed.

"She's everywhere, of course." Kaoru wiggled in his seat. Kojiro eyed him.

"You are acting weird." He pointed out.

"Just because I want to do something nice, I'm weird?" Kaoru narrowed his eyes, his anger getting the better of him.

"You didn't use Carla to plan the trip?" Kojiro hissed.

"The last time, you left her unplugged!" Kaoru yelled.

"I tripped over the plug carrying you to bed since you sprained your ankle!" Kojiro yelled back.

"That wasn't my fault! You got in my way!" Kaoru screamed.

"You were drifting on me!" Kojiro snarled. Kaoru folded his arms and glared at him. Kojiro glared back leaning on the counter.


"BECAUSE YOUR NOT NICE!" Kojiro yelled back. "That's what I love so much about you!" He added in a softer voice. Kaoru pouted.

"Eat your breakfast, pissy ass robot. " Kojiro turned away, a knot in his stomach. The last time Kaoru tried to do anything nice for him was when he told him he was dating Adam. Kaoru and nice just didn't go together, so what was he hiding from him, Kojiro wondered. He left Kaoru at the counter while he dished up his own plate.

He moved to sit beside the pink haired man, but Kaoru got up, his plate empty. He picked up the book as he took care of his plate. Without a word he marched into his studio. Kojiro sighed. This was what life was like living with him. He chuckled. He wouldn't change a thing.

After eating and cleaning up the kitchen, Kojiro knocked on the studio door. As he expected there wasn't an answer. "I'm heading to the restaurant. Let me know when this trip is taking place. I will need to make sure I have staff to cover." There was no reply. Sighing, Kojiro headed out.

Sir La Luce was his sanity. As crazy and insane as people could be, this was the place he felt the most relaxed. Not that Kaoru didn't relax him, in his own way. Kojiro smirked. The morning went as predicted. His food truck came in, the laundry was picked up, his lunch chef called off, but that was fine Kojiro was here. Lucky for him the dinner chef came in an hour early.

"You're early?" he commented at seeing her.

"Um, yeah you texted me to make sure I was here at this time." She responded. She smiled. "Getting old there, Kojiro?" She chuckled as she tied the apron around her ample waist.

"Oh, don't worry about this week, everything will be fine." She waved to go check on her supplies. "Enjoy your holiday." She added. Kojiro frowned. He pulled out his phone. Sure enough there was an exchange of texts asking her to come in early. Someone had set it up for her to be in charge while Kojiro was away. Well, if pinky wasn't going to talk to him, then he can go on vacation alone. Kojiro replaced the phone. He walked into his office to finish up the months reports.

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