Wine and love

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⚠️ smut ⚠️

The sunset splashed the countryside in a wash of color. The orange, purple and pink decorated the slightly damp landscape. Although Kaoru Sakurayashiki didn't particularly enjoy thunderstorms, the soft afternoon rain that had fallen earlier in the day had been somewhat pleasant. They had arrived during the pattering of rain.

Kojiro, his sweet gorilla, had whisked him up in his arms and ran through the rain to the front of the villa. The door had burst open as Kaoru clung to the massive shoulders. He was taken inside, not even allowed to see where they would be spending the next two weeks. Instead, Kojiro had dashed inside, straight to the bedroom.

Here he had placed Kaoru on the bed, wrapped the large green comforter up round his shaking thin shoulders, kissed his cold turned up nose and stated he would be back as soon as he could. Nestled in the warmth, Kaoru had watched his lover dash away. Less than five minutes later he was back. Kojiro stripped out of the tight white tank top he had on. It was soaked and sticking to his massive muscles. Kaoru watched with widened eyes as Kojiro slipped out of the wet pants. He had on pink boxers. Kaoru's face flushed as he realized that the reason Kojiro's boxers were pink was because of the one, and only time, he, Kaoru, had done the others laundry. Kaoru had goofed putting the new bought red shirt in with the whites. Nearly all of Kojiro's white things had come out pink. Kaoru had assumed he had repurchased new items, but alas he had kept at least the pink boxers.

Once stripped to his boxers, Kojiro picked up a bottle of wine, two fluted glasses, and crawled into the warm nest he had wrapped the other inside. The windows were behind them, the rain muffled by the thick panes of glass, and the thick warm comforter. Kojiro wrapped Kaoru into his arms, settling him between his naked thighs. He had poured them drinks and cheered to the safe arrival of them both on their current holiday spot.

Kaoru had sipped the wine that never seemed to end. Kojiro talked of his time in the small village just outside of Florence. How his aunt and uncle had a vineyard nearby. How they would go see it in a few days time. On and on he and talked while the rain pelted the window. It was all too much for Kaoru, who couldn't get over having the nearly naked man so close to him.

Kaoru had taken their glasses and set them aside. He sipped a mouthful of wine, twisting in the gorilla's arms he had kissed him. Sharing the wine in their mouths. Kojiro's arms wrapped him snuggly against the massive chest. Kaoru gripped his pecs, squishing them in his long elegant artist fingers to the soft moan of Kojiro's.

As he nestled his fingers into the green hair, Kaoru pressed against the gorilla. Making love to someone the size of Kojiro Nanjo was... thrilling. Nothing in the world compared to Kojiro. He was tender and strong, fast and caring he did everything he could not to hurt or displease his lover. No one had cared so much for the pink haired man than the one he put down on a daily basis. Kaoru smiled now as he sipped more wine, thinking about their earlier antics.

How Kojiro pulled back, a blank look on his face. "Pinky, but it's still...." Kaoru placed a finger to the full lips, still warm from his kiss.

"Don't talk." He warned. Kojiro's red eyes grew large. It was rare that Kaoru initiated physical connections. Ever rarer that he was the one to start sexual activity. It wasn't that he didn't want it, it was just that he knew ways of making sure Kojiro started it. A look, a gesture, a tiny smirk or a heated argument, these were things he did to impress on the idiot gorilla that he wanted him, well closer. Kojiro had always fallen for it. He had always initiated their tender moments. That way, Kaoru was never embarrassed if it flopped.

This time, Kojiro carefully turned, laying the slender man on his back. Gazing up at those lust darkened eyes, Kaoru traced his hand over the mans face. He knew every inch, every line, every wrinkle on it. He had loved this one soul for his entire life. No one would ever love someone more than he loved Kojiro. Not even Kojiro could love Kaoru the way the other loved him. Kaoru knew of no one he had ever had the hopes of being with forever. Yes there had been other infatuations, Adam for one, but it was nothing compared to how his chest ached for this one man.

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