Fashion week complete

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**Sorry I couldn't find the picture of Kojiro wearing the shirt backwards so enjoy some shirt cut memes of our sexy gorilla**

The week was over. Kaoru looked around the room. He pulled open drawers and checked under the bed. He knew, he just knew Kojiro forgot something.  As he opened the door above the little kitchenette he saw a package. With a frown he pulled it down.

It was wrapped in pink paper with a golden bow tied around it. When he wanted too, Kojiro could write really neatly. In his best handwriting Kaoru read the tag.

‘To my Future. I love you. Hope you had a great week.’ Tears filled his amber eyes. Kaoru held the tag against his racing heart. Strong arms wrapped around his waist. A heavy chin pressed on top of his head.

“You didn’t even open it yet.” Kojiro whispered in his ear as his massive thumb gently wiped the tears off of the delicately thin pale cheeks.

“You have a way with words when you want too.” Kaoru hissed. Kojiro chuckled. The vibration rocking Kaoru’s back.

“Open it.” Kojiro said.

“Can’t it wait until the plane?” Kaoru asked.

“You know they will make you open it before the plane.” Kojiro said.  Kaoru sighed. He slipped the tag in to his pants pocket, an act that wasn’t missed by the hulking gorilla.

With thin elegant hands Kaoru pulled off the ribbon. Kojiro picked it up. He carefully scooped up the heavy pink hair and tied the golden bow into it. Kaoru smirked. He loved when Kojiro did little things like this, of course he couldn’t tell him. He chuckled softly to himself as he carefully peeled the tape off of the package.

Slipping it out Kaoru gasped. Inside was a very expensive calligraphy set. They had seen it while out walking and window shopping, which is something New Yorkers do apparently. He had thought about getting it, decided he might check the website when he got back home. He had taken a business card just in case.

The wooden case had a golden latch on it. One nail slipped it up. Kaoru lifted the lid. It was slightly heavy. Inside grey foam padding protected all of the pieces.  Kaoru ran his hand over the brushes, ink and tips.  They looked lovely.

“And here I had your present sent home.” He whispered. A kiss was pressed to his lips.

“You’re my gift, Kaoru.” Kojiro whispered. He turned away to stack the bags up on the cart. The smile stayed on the handsome pink haired man’s face until they got outside. Part of the hotel experience that Kojiro had paid highly for was to have a car on call. They had notified the front desk they needed the car to take them to the airport. The front desk called up to let them know it was ready for them.

As they came down with the teen who was pushing their cart out, a woman was yelling at the driver.

“You’re going to the airport anyway, just put my bags in the fucking car!” She screamed. Kojiro huffed. Kaoru glared at her.

“Do you have to deal with this at the restaurant?” He asked in their native language.

“Not as bad as some places. At least Sir La Luce isn’t in the touristy traps.” Kojiro smirked. Kaoru chuckled.

 “WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ABOUT ME!” She turned to yell at the men walking out. Her eyes went huge as she saw Kojiro. Kaoru turned to look up at the beefy man beside him. He knew the mountain of a man was a push over. It took a lot for someone to even get him riled up enough to raise his voice. Kaoru knew, from years of experience just how to press the right buttons to get him in that state.

Now, looking at him he tried to see the man as if he didn’t know him. Kojiro stood over six feet. He was well over two hundred pounds, mostly all muscle. He had an open face that anyone with half a brain cell could read. In fact Kojiro was just an open, honest, laid back kind of guy. Now add in the fact that he wasn’t smiling, wasn’t bowing wasn’t in any way showing he regretted talking. His face was impassive. He had a tattoo clearly visible in the tank top he wore. Kaoru smirked.

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