Poutine, maple syrup and snow

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"I told you to wear something warm!" Kojiro cried as the wind whipped around them. Langa was a few paces away laughing with a kid slightly older than him. They were storing their gear in the cars trunk, which they were calling a boot.

"This is the warmest thing I own!" Kaoru yelled back pulling the blanket like hoodie around his thin frame.

"Here, I got you warmer clothing to fit our weather." The kid, Kyle was a cousin of Langa's, stated. Kojiro had sent him money to purchase whatever was needed for them to stay warm in. He gave him their measurements. Luckily Langa still had all of his snow gear. Now, Kyle pulled out jackets with thick warm linings. Kojiro grabbed Kaoru's. He shoved the pink haired man into it.

"STOP BEING SO ROUGH, GORILLA!" He cried. Kojiro zipped up the jacket.

"You are not getting sick on the first day!" Kojiro grouched. He picked up a wool hat to tie onto his head then put the jacket hood up. Next was the pink scarf Kojiro wrapped around his lovers neck covering his nose and mouth. He had effectively reduced the strikingly handsome man to glaring eyeballs.

"Hold your hands out." Kojiro demanded. The artists fingers were already slightly pink colored from the wind. Kojiro shoved the gloves on. He heard a soft sigh from under the scarf. They all wore jeans, but the wind felt like it was going right through them. Now, Kojiro knelt taking the sneakers off of the pink haired male, to put this woolen socks on his small feet before forcing them into warm boots.

Standing back up he surveyed his work. Kaoru was unrecognizable. Kojiro chuckled. "You look cozy!"

"Mammmffshekmnsbf" Kaoru muttered.

"Hahaha!" Kojiro's deep infectious laugh shook his belly. "I didn't understand that at all. This could be great for when we fight, I just stuff you in a scarf!" He laughed harder.

"mmasaamm GORILLA!" Kaoru yelled. Still chuckling, Kojiro pulled out the jacket, hat and gloves for himself. He put them on.

"You really should put the socks and boots on." Langa warned him.

"Oh, yeah sure." Kojiro pulled the gloves back off to put the socks and boots on. His feet were warmer than if they were in an oven. He wiggled his toes, chuckling.

"OK, I think we are set." He moved to the car door. Kaoru bent making strange noises, he picked up the red scarf still in the box. He marched up to Kojiro and tried to shove it in his mouth. Kojiro slapped at his hands, but the man was insistent. It took a bit but the muscular Kojiro, managed to keep the thinner Kaoru from strangling him with the scarf.

"GET IN THE CAR!" He yelled. More muffled grumbling came from the pink scarf. Reki got in the back sliding to the middle. Kaoru got in beside him with Langa on the other side. Kojiro got in front with Miya.

"So, still an hour away from here, right?" Kojiro asked.

"Yep, but don't worry, I have the chains on." Kyle told him.

"Uh, Chains?" Kojiro glanced over to the teen.

"Yeah, on the tires, you know for traction in the snow." The kid chuckled at him. Kojiro nodded as if he understood.

"Can we stop at Tim Horton's it's been forever!" Langa moaned.

"Yeah, sure. I figured you guys would be hungry." They pulled out away from the airport. It didn't take them long to get to Tim Horton's. It turned out to be a coffee shop with sandwiches, donuts, and something called Timbits. Kojiro ordered a forty pack of these. He laughed when he opened the box to discover the inside dough that comes out of the center of the doughnuts.

"They are donut balls!" Kojiro cried popping a honey glazed chocolate one into his mouth. They ate as Kyle drove them deeper into the Canadian country side.

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