Canada part 3: Alone

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⚠️ smut ⚠️

Joe brushed the long pink hair off of the pale white shoulder. His warm lips pressed into the whiteness. "Mmm" He whispered drawing in the scent of his lover. "I love that scent. It is so you." He cooed. Kaoru slapped him lightly with his fan.

"Stop being a perv, the kids are here." He scolded. Kojiro chuckled.

"The kids are making out too." He pointed out. Reki's hand was under the table. The kid hardly ever stopped moving so, seeing his arm wiggling wasn't cause for concern. Yet the look on Langa's face was. He looked to be enthralled and biting his lip to keep from making any sound.

"What have you been teaching him!" Kaoru hissed / yelled at Kojiro. Kojiro pulled back away from the salty bitch his boyfriend was becoming.

"Nothing. He observes a lot. Which you would notice if you paid attention to him." Kojiro countered. Kaoru huffed. He fixed his shirt to cover his shoulder back up. Miya came in with Langa's two young female cousins. The girls, were cousins to each other as well. Each had taken to the cat like boy, because he looked like a cat. That called him hissy kitty because Miya constantly hissed at them to leave him alone.

Kyle sat down across from Reki, one eyebrow arched but he said nothing in front of his little sister and cousin. He turned to Kojiro instead.

"We are going to go out for the day. Take the younger kids. I wasn't sure if you guys would be interested in more kid friendly..." Here he glared at Reki. "...activities." He added.

"Oh, uh no. I think we will do our own thing today." Kojiro answered. Langa gasped out. He doubled over biting his hand as Reki wrapped his arms around him, chuckling.

"Everything ok?" Kaoru asked primly looking over at them.

"All good!" Reki beamed giving a thumbs up.

"Go wash your hands!" Kaoru growled. Reki laughed jumping up to do so. Kojiro hid his grin behind his wide hand. Kaoru huffed rolling his eyes. He hadn't needed to know what the teens were doing.

After breakfast, Kyle loaded up the minivan. He had given Kojiro the numbers to ubers and taxi companies. "You could rent a driver and car through this one, if you want too." He said. Kaoru leaned over. He saw a limousine company listed. He tapped it. Kojiro sighed, he walked out of ear shot to make a call.

Kaoru was hugging Miya when he came back. Kojiro gave the kid a high five. "Be good to the girls." He winked.

"You're gross, old man." Miya cried. Kaoru laughed hiding the beautiful smile behind his fan. Kyle waved goodbye after making sure Kojiro and Kaoru both had his mobile number. The van left. Langa's mother, grandmother and aunt came out just before the two adults made it back inside.

"We are going to enjoy some girl time, will you boys be ok on your own?" grandma asked.

"Of course." Kojiro bent over her hand, kissing her fingers. She giggled like a school girl, blushing just as bad.

"Stop it, Kojiro." Kaoru huffed. Kojiro helped the ladies get into he car. He waved them off.

"We have the house to ourselves now." Kaoru pointed out.

"Yep, but I have something else planned." Kojiro wrapped Kaoru up in a warm blanket and sat him on the bench outside. "The car will be here soon." Kojiro ran inside. Fifteen minutes later a long black limousine pulled in. Kaoru stood up. Kojiro rushed out the door with their overnight bags.

"What are you..." He began to ask the green haired ape. Kojiro scooped him up, the driver got out to open the trunk. Kojiro dropped the bags inside.

"Thank you!" He cried. He opened the back door, setting the pink haired beauty on the seat. Kojiro spoke with he driver briefly. Kaoru couldn't hear what they were discussing. Then the gorilla got in back with him.

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