City of love, wine tasting

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"STUPID GORILLA!" Kaoru yelled hitting Kojiro in the shoulder.

"It's not my fault!" Kojiro cried trying to get away from the stinging fan. Kaoru used the thing as a weapon more than anything else.

"It's always your fault!" Kaoru cried. Kojiro snickered inwardly. He secretly enjoyed seeing the other man utterly clueless on how to deal with life's little screw ups. This really wasn't his fault, it was Kaoru's but Kojiro would take the blame, just so the pink haired beauty felt better. Kaoru had accidently booked two different trips for the same day. Neither was refundable. He realized this when the cars came to get them.

"Look, it's easy, four eyes..." Kojiro snorted. Grabbing the flailing limbs of the irate artist, Kojiro bundled him up in his arms, mostly to save his stinging chest! He left the pink haired calligrapher sulking in the waiting room. This was out of sight of the main doors. Kojiro glanced back to make sure Kaoru remained in place. Knowing the other couldn't see him, he took the matter into his capable hands. Walking up he tipped the one driver, thanking him for coming and apologizing to him. Kojiro told the other they would be with him soon.

He went back for the sulking mess. "Come on, we have a wine tour." He stated. Kojiro took the elegant hands in his. He pulled the man up from the seat.

"What about the museum tour?" Kaoru demanded.

"We can do that tomorrow." Kojiro informed him. Kaoru looked suspicious.

"How did you get it changed?" He demanded. Pulling the slender man I to his arms, Kojiro bent his head. He kissed him on the top of his cotton candy pink hair.

"My innate charm and charisma." He whispered to his lover. This got him a small whack on the chest. It wasn't nearly as hard as before. Kojiro heard the soft snicker that escaped the others lips.

"You know you don't have that." Kaoru huffed.

"Oh yeah, then why do you keep coming around me?" Kojiro demanded. Kaoru huffed. He didn't say anything as he marched up to the remaining driver. Kojiro chuckled. He didn't understand who Kaoru thought he was saving face with here. He never liked being seen in a bad light. Kojiro was the only person who knew the real Kaoru, and he loved him even more for it.

Kojiro packed the pink princess into the car. They were off shortly after. Their first stop was a wine vineyard not too far from the hotel. Here they made one of Kaoru's favorite wines. For today they had a variety out to taste. Kaoru went up to look them over. He smiled when he saw his favorite sitting out. He saved that for last.

Moving through the small group they were a part of, Kaoru tasted each wine. He didn't really drink any unless he liked it. When he got to his favorite he proudly told the person pouring it how much he enjoyed it. Kojiro was thrilled at hearing him talk about the flavor the smell the ... well what ever it was that made wine great for Kaoru. Kojiro had never been a huge wine drinker, although he did know enough about it to follow the conversation. Kaoru ended up buying a case of this wine.

It wasn't until after the fourth vineyard, that Kojiro became aware of how intoxicated his partner was becoming. Kaoru, never one to show PDA, like at all, was all handsy with Kojiro. It started when they got out of the car. Kojiro, as always offered him his hand. Normally, Kaoru would slap it away and get out by himself. A few times, mainly dates, he would take it and smile coyly up into the red eyes watching him.

Now, he all but dragged himself out of the limo, using the offered hand as support.. A blush on his face and a sexy little smirk on his lips, Kaoru made the comment: "Look at my big strong gorilla." in Kojiro's ear.

He latched onto the muscled arm as they walked down the smooth dirt path. Kaoru stumbled a few times. Kojiro caught him early guiding his slim body with his own. The muscled man frowned, Kaoru shouldn't be that drunk, they were only tasting the wine. It's not like they were drinking it. Kaoru rubbed his hand over Kojiro's chest.

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