Canada part 2: Snowboards

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** This chapter will focus mostly on Renga, but Matchblossom is still in it, also next chapter will be mostly Matchblossom, hope you enjoy it**

"Oh man look at that!" Reki cried. He had his face pressed hard to the glass of the car window. Currently Kyle was driving. Apparently the twenty something year old had agreed to be their chauffer during their vacation. Miya was in the back of the minivan, with Langa. Joe was up front in the passenger side. Kaoru was next to Reki. He was reading a book as they drove through the winter wonderland that was the Canadian country side.

"It's just snow, Reki." Langa chuckled.

"Yeah, but it's raining from the sky!" Reki giggled delightedly as he watched the flakes falling around them.

"Just wait until we get on the mountain." Kyle called to him. Reki whooped he was so excited for this. Langa had told him all about snowboarding when they had first met.

"Yeah, I can't wait to repay you for teaching me how to skateboard." Langa smiled a bit darkly.

"Hey, you're the one that went out in front of that truck!" Reki cried. Langa laughed as the others looked on concerned.

"Uh, Reki?" Joe asked. Reki just laughed returning to the window, he watched the sparkling whiteness fly past.

They drove up to the top of the mountain. Kyle parked the minivan. All around them were various types of vehicles with racks or closed carriers on top. Langa explained they were for skis or snowboards. They had a rack but it wasn't enclosed. Kojiro unstrapped the bungee cord holding their boards down. He pulled them off one at a time handing them out to everyone.

"You sure you don't want to try this?" He asked Kaoru. Kaoru scoffed.

"More than sure. Why would I want to go down a mountain with a board strapped to my feet? It's cold you idiot!" He cried. Kojiro chuckled.

"Well, then..." He stripped out of the jacket he was wearing. He was about to put it around Kaoru's shoulders. One long slim hand covered in grey warm lined gloves, pushed against his chest.

"Don't be any dumber than you are. You need that on. I will be in the lodge." Kaoru arched his long slender neck up. He kissed Kojiro on the lips. "You know, where the fire place is." He smirked. "Stay safe gorilla." He whispered.

"Langa, you better take care of my gorilla." Kaoru ordered as Kojiro replaced his jacket. "I want him back in the same condition he is currently in." He added looking sternly at the teen.

"Uh, no guaranties, but I'll do my best." Langa offered. Kaoru hurmphed, but left it alone. With one last kiss, he walked up to the ski lodge. He watched out the window as Langa and his cousin led Kaoru's family up to the starting spot at the top of the hill.

"Adam would jump from a helicopter right about now." Kaoru muttered. As if the universe heard him, the sound of blades cutting through the sky became louder. A helicopter flew up the mountain.

"No, fucking way!" Kaoru cried. But the machine went past the top, no one jumped out of it. Kaoru sighed.

"They have rescue copters all over around here. They randomly fly by, it's ok." A girl who didn't look to be much older than his kids told Kaoru. He thanked her, then went to get some coffee and find the warmest spot in front of the huge glowing fire place.

Out on the hill, Langa was showing them how to stay on the board, how to stand, how the straps worked and all of that. Kyle was laughing at some of the things he used to describe how to snowboard.

"Why would they take the straps off? Do they want to wipe out and lose their shit?" Kyle laughed.

"Yeah, they are skateboarders." Langa explained.

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