Fashion week day one

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Kojiro shifted again in the seat that was slowly numbing his backside. Another weirdly dressed over perfect looking model came out. He sighed. Kaoru hushed him once more. This was the last model for this designer. There was a brief reprieve. Kaoru looked over to him.

"Go, you lasted longer than I thought you would." He smiled beautifully at him.

"Are you sure? I meant to spend this vacation with you." He cupped his hand around the others cheeks. Kaoru pressed into it.

"Gorilla, just go. I will text you when it's over." He leaned forward peeking a kiss to his lips. "Get, before they start the next round." Kaoru pushed himself gently. With one last peek to the pink haired man's lips, Kojiro all but ran out of the building.

Kaoru sat and watched all the beautiful people. He loved the outfits. Some were outrageous and very over the top, but there were a few he liked. One was a traditional kimono with cherry blossoms on it. A smirk touched his lips as he copied down the number to purchase it later. There were a few others he wanted as well. Kojiro texted him at one point telling him he would buy him one thing nice. Kaoru smiled, he would let the gorilla pay for the kimono.

At the end of the day, Kaoru gathered his things and went to the stand where you gave your purchase requests. He was just finishing having them shipped to his address when he felt the familiar meaty arm slip around his waist. He let out a soft sigh. He never felt completely safe unless the meat head was with him.

"How was your day?" He asked as he received his packaged kimono.

"I found this really cool skate park. There was this kid who reminded me of Miya. Just a little thing, but daring as hell." Kojiro took the bags from Kaoru.

"What did I buy you?" He asked as his free arm was filled with Kaoru's things, his other with the man himself.

"I'll show you later." He told him. Kojiro mmmed as he leaned over to kiss Kaoru's head. Kojiro loved taking vacations with his lover. Kaoru was so much more relaxed and allowed more physical contact.

"Where are we going now?" Kaoru asked clicking open his parasol.

"Hotel, to drop these off and get ready for dinner." Kojiro informed him.

"I'm guessing dinner will be a surprise?" Kaoru smirked.

"You know me too well, Four eyes." Kojiro smiled. They walked to where the taxes were waiting. Kojiro smiling happily.

"Silly gorilla." He heard whispered beside him.

"Oh, wow, look at him. He is hot!" A voice nearby stated.

"I wonder if they are together?" another voice asked. Kaoru turned. He saw two woman not far away. Both were gaping at his gorilla as the man was placing the bags in the taxi. Kaoru huffed. He couldn't take his handsome boyfriend anywhere.

A long fingered elegant hand crossed the beefy muscular chest as Kaoru pressed into the man. He tipped his head up. Kojiro looked down at him. Kaoru saw the love and wonder shinning in those red eyes. He knew the man hadn't even heard the females. Tilting his head up he lowered the umbrella as he leaned into Kojiro. He kissed him, slipping his fingers up along his neck into the soft green hair.

"Oh, wow, guess that answers that." One of the girls said.

"So not fair, why are they both hot?" The other asked. Kaoru pulled back, a tiny grin twitching his lips.

"You did that for them, really Pinky?" Kojiro chided softly. He took the parasol and held the door for the beautiful man to get inside the cab. Kojiro waved to the females as he climbed in beside his lover.

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