Season 1 Chapter 4: UA entrance exams

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Izuku could be seen walking towards the UA building his clothes were baggy, hiding his physic but you could still see some of the muscles underneath his shirt.

Izuku: I made it just in time

Rokuro: mhm shocking isn't it ?

Izuku looked up revealing tired bags under his eyes clearly from waking up early " shut up *yawn* Alright let's do this!" he said to hype himself up.


Izuku woke up holding a broken swords dragon handle in hand the girls were behind him asleep as he stared at the blade with seriousness 

Izuku woke up holding a broken swords dragon handle in hand the girls were behind him asleep as he stared at the blade with seriousness 

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" Never will I let this sword go" 

He thought to himself before getting up.

end of flashback:

Izuku was staring at the handle in his hand before putting it in his bag 

Bakugo: Stupid Deku

He then turned around and saw Bakugo walking towards him in school uniform with a scarf around his neck Izuku raised an eyebrow looking at him with an expression that spoke for itself " really?" he sighed and stepped aside not bothered by Katsukis temper tantrums.

Izuku thoughts: *sigh*still the ever-confident piece of shit you've always been huh Bakugo, oh well that's sad thought he'd changed a little since the time we've been apart 

Rokuro: Wow that Pomeranian is so full of crap

Izuku agreed and continued on his way hearing some people murmur in the background

" Hey isn't that the kid who took on the supervillain "

" Yeah I heard he even changed the weather "

" His name Midoriya right"

"yeah he's the real deal"

Izuku got a headache from all their comments don't get him wrong he appreciated their words but they were coming from the wrong place, he didn't want compliments because he had a strong power but because of his actions so ignoring them he just walked inside to get this thing started.

In the auditorium :

Present mic 

Present mic 

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