Season 2: chapter 11: The judge, Jury and Punisher

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Bakugo: you know Deku there might be a way for you to get a quirk...

he looked back to Izuku who looked at him with a small glimmer of hope in his eyes

Bakugo: take a swan dive off the roof and pray for a quirk in your next life


Bakugo shoved Izuku against the wall " HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET INTO UA I TOLD YOU NOT TO APPLY !!"


Izuku: I told you I'm not gonna let you do whatever you want to me anymore Bakugo because from today onward I am no longer Deku !!!


Bakugo: DIEE!!!!


Present Mic:That means our final fight will be between Midoriya and Bakugo

Bakugo looked up at Izuku with a stare of hatred as Izuku looked back with narrowed eyes glowing red

End of recap:


Izuku sat in the waiting room looking down at the table Rokuro and Natsu stared at him with worry 

Rokuro: you okay Izuku ?

Natsu: Hey Izuku I got some understanding of wha-

Izuku: Stop. Please don't tell me you know what i'm going through

Natsu: ...

Izuku: I waited for him, I waited for him to change and become different because...Because he was my best friend the only person I could call my brother and yet he...he *sigh*...I'm done waiting hoping for him to become someone else or someone who used to be

Natsu: I tried to kill my best friend Gray

Izukus eyes widened in shock as Natsu in his spirit form stood infront of him

( it's what his body looks like)

( it's what his body looks like)

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