Season 2 Chapter 10: Unspoken truth

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Midnight picked herself up rubbing her sore head to see when the smoke cleared Shoto was imbedded in the walls of the ring and Izuku was still standing without any damage on his top turned to shreds

Midnight: there Todoroki is out of bounds!! Midoriya wins he advances to the third round !!


Extra: I can't believe Midoriya beat Todoroki !

Extra 2: Yeah and the kid has another quirk a fire quirk no less it looked like he could go toe to toe with Endeavor

Extra 3:Midoriya was also provoking Todoroki do you think that was part of his plan?

Extra 4: Either way they were both crazy strong

Bakugo was still staring at the stage in absolute shock 

Meanwhile with Izuku:

Izuku was sitting in the nurses office having Ms Hasegawa and Recovery check up on him with All Might standing next to Izukus bed worried 

Chisato: It looks like your fine but you strained your muscles and have some minor burns around your hand possibly from the high temperature of your fire. But-

Recovery: *sigh* you lit a fire under this child and pushed him too far. Look at what he's done to make you proud, I don't like it one bit you and the boy and don't praise him for what he's done today. The more he pushes and the stronger he becomes the more danger he's putting his body in 

Todoroki slowly woke up on his bed rubbing his head with his burnt sport uniform on still

Todoroki: M-Midoriya

the three turned to face Todoroki who sat up worried Izuku rushed to him 

Izuku: Ah Todoroki I'm sorry for what I did to you I-I just wanted to help! 

Todoroki: no it's fine umm can you all please leave the room I'd like to discuss something with Midoriya

The three adults nodded and fled but Toshinori quickly walked to Izuku and whispered in his ear " I don't know when you unlocked this fire power of yours but i'm proud of you for helping young Todoroki. Just don't tell recovery girl" Izuku smiled and nodded at his teacher who left with the others 

Izuku: So uh...What do you want to talk about 

Todoroki: I just wanted to thank you 

he looked down clenching his fist as Izuku stared at him in shock

Todoroki: For so long I thought, I thought by rejecting my fire side that I would not become like my farther but all along I was becoming more and more like him

Todoroki slowly began crying 

Todoroki: Ever since I lost my mother I had no one to talk to no one to confide in no one to help me and then you came. You were the one person who reached out his hand to me but why, why did you do it ?

Izuku looked at Todoroki before a smile grew on his face 

Izuku: Why? It's simple because I wanted to save you, I wanted you to see the incredible life you have here at UA. Friends who want to speak with you, people who want to support you. And I wanted to save your smile because no one especially not a child should have to go through what you went through 

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