Season 2 chapter 8: Prepare for the semi finals!

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Present Mic: He's big, bad and mean grumpy like always and the all star in Junior high just look at that determined face from the course it's KAtsuki Bakugo!Versus who I'm personally rooting for also from class 1A Ochako Uraraka...LET THE EIGHT MATCH BEGINNNN!!!!!!


Bakugou: You're the one who screws around with gravity, right pink cheeks?

Uraraka: Pink cheeks !? 

Bakugo: Well if you're gonna give up do it now cause i'm not gonna hold anything back 

Uraraka didn't back down though she stood her ground 

In the class stands:

Iida: Midoriya

Izuku: huh

Iida: I'm curious what was that strategy you came up with to give Uraraka an advantage over Bakugo

Izuku: honestly it wasn't really much of a plan. Bakugo strong and when it comes to close combat he almost never has any openings so the way I beat him was by overpowering him something Uraraka unfortunately can't do and the more he moves the more he sweats which only serves to make his quirk stronger.He's also gotten good to use those same explosions to around in the air but if Uraraka is able to touch him she can use her quirk to make him float. She can send him out of bounds that's why it's obvious what Uraraka needs to do to get the upper hand


Uraraka immediately ran at Bakugo to attack him "giving up isn't an option for me "she said as Bakugo reeled his right arm back " and now you die" he said before swinging it forward " if I can dodge this" Uraraka said as the explosion came.But when the smoke cleared he realised that all he hit was her jack 

Present Mic: WOAH!! She threw her jacket as a decoy what incredibly quick thinking

Uraraka thoughts: this is my chance to make him float

she thought but unfortunately Bakugo reacted fast creating an explosion which sent her flying 

she thought but unfortunately Bakugo reacted fast creating an explosion which sent her flying 

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Thankfully Uraraka got back on her feet fast 

Sero: Look at that reaction time !

Kaminari: seriously you can't get the drop on him, the dude's insane and since Uraraka can't use her quirk unless she touches him his lightning fast reflexes put her at a huge disadvantage 

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